Newbie question about rotating a piece (a card in a tennis game) and Q about solo gaming

Hi all, total newbie here. First day trying to play solo and offline a very simple tennis game from the 70s.

I am trying to play the module name “tennis” but I can’t figure out how to rotate the dealt cards. Assuming they can be rotated.

Problem is that the cards when dealt are always in the same direction but, if you play solo, the cards for the player at the top should really be turned 180 degrees so that what you see on the card correspond to the player’s side on the court. The way the cards are showing in the player area kinda assumes the player is playing at the bottom of the court.

See what I mean? This orientation only makes sense if the player is at bottom of court.

Or maybe you can rotate the whole board so that the player I control is always at the bottom of the court.

I have another question about playing solo games…

Are you supposed to choose a side, do your thing, retire, pick the other side, etc??? Or can you simply start the game as an observer???

If the cards don’t already have a rotate command.
you can open the module in the editor and add ‘Can Rotate’ trait to the cards.

Try right clicking a card to see if you can rotate it. And no, you shouldn’t have to sign out and back in to change sides.