Nexus Ops

Anyone ever think of giving this one a module ?
Its fast paced and fun…

I’d be interested in this as well!

I have a few on my list that need to be done. I just finished Okko and am almost done with Neuroshima Hex. Next is Nexus Ops. Then Starcraft. So you’re looking at maybe a week or two… Although I don’t know that I can make them freely available, I’ll have to figure out how to get permissions for posting these modules.


Well, a bit ahead of schedule and Nexus Ops is almost done. Should be ready by tonight, I think. I’m trying to upload a screenshot, hopefully it’ll go through.



Do you have any agreement from the publishers ???

I know i spanish guy who have already done a Neuroshima Hex Game Module and he’s always waiting for a Portal answer … The French distributor has told about limitations … because Portal was not really open to it …

For Okko, i hope that the french publisher is OK … it will be great to play with it …



I am still awaiting word form Avalon Hill on this. In fact, portal and hasgaard still have not responded regarding okko and neuroshima. Which is why these mods aren’t up yet.


Did this ever come to be?

The module was created. However I never got a response from the game publisher so the module could not be released.
