Not able to choose side in online game with no pre-defened setup (3.7.8)

The Choose Side screen does not display the drop-down list, The panel is blank. Bug/feature only occurs with online game. Offline game mode works as expected Module showing bug does not use predefined setups. This bug/feature does not occur in modules with predefined setups.

Module works in 3.7.7
Bug is apparent in 3.7.8. and 3.7.9
OS is Windows 10 64bit

Start new game offline then hit "next: I get prompted with “Choose Side” as expected.

Look for a game online, then choose “Finish”, create room, the File menu, “New Game” I get presented with a blank Choose Sides screen.

If I cancel and select the File menu, “New Game” a second time it works! The dropdown list of sides is displayed.
User can always retire in the module to change from observer to an actual side

Screenshot and a bare bones module are on Dropbox HERE.

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Looks like you are another user encountering this bug logged in Github.

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Thanks, that one is with me, I will try and get into that soon.