I don’t see any post with a similar problem, so I’ve decided to start a post. I’m currently updating an extension for a card game which just introduced tokens, and so I want to include the feature of tokens by using the “place marker” function on the cards which can generate tokens. However, as the title states, I don’t know why the function would trigger automatically when a card possessing the function is moved between the public play area (in my module it’s called the “field”) and either player’s hand area. The problem seems to also trigger when I move the card from the field into the deck area. The problem doesn’t happen with any other area in the module.
I’ll include images to show the current settings.
This image shows the current traits a card would have (without the “place marker” function). The top trait (1) which I couldn’t screenshot is “Does Not Stack”.
These 2 images show the properties within the “place marker” function.
This image shows the properties of the marker itself.
I’ll also include a download link to the module and the extension. Currently, I’ve added the “place marker” function as a “Game Piece Property Definition” inside the module as “Rig Avatar Dragon”, and then apply said definition as a property to the cards which generate tokens.
In the Drive link, the module is the last file called “BSOB (1).vmod”, and the said extension with the cards that generate tokens is “15 - Contract Saga - True”. Said cards are in specifically SD69 in the “starter deck” section.
Drive link: Vassal Extensions – Google Drive
Thank you in advance. Please let me know if there’s any more information I have to provide.