Prevent two pieces from occupying the same region?

Hello All:

I have my map setup to disallow stacking. But, that does not prevent more than one piece from occupying the same region that is ‘snapped in’.

I don’t see an obvious option to prevent this, although possibly I have missed it?



If the snap to grid option is on, it will snap to the nearest point regardless of what is sitting there.

If you don’t won’t a piece to snap to grid, give it the Does Not Stack trait and check “Ignore grid when moving” box.

Thank you for the information. Alas, I really do want the snap to grid functionality, it’s the feature that makes the game playable and easier to use.

(Game) user beware then… don’t place the tiles on top of invalid locations. That’s fine… it is a sandbox game after all!



But there are several “middle ways” here:
(1) You can turn off snap-to-grid (in the way DrNostromo describes) for only certain pieces
(2) After “turning off” the normal snap-to function, you could add an apply-on-move keystroke to your map (bottom box of map preferences), and have your pieces respond to it with a Send-to-Location to your desired snap-to point for their current location (often this simply means Send-to-Location to “Region on Map” and apply their current location as the region name). Or you can apply more complicated logic.