Problems downloading 3.7.6

Hi, I am currently having problems trying to update to version 3.7.6

I get the following messages

Any suggestions. Version 3.7.5 is working ok. Thanks


Please see the troubleshooting topic for this problem that commonly afflicts Windows users after a new release.

You need to find a way to un-quarantine the installer and report it to your antivirus vendor as a false positive.

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Hi Joel, thanks for your reply. Stil no joy I’m afrain. Its now saying This App cant run on your PC. Any suggestions?

Scroll up a bit farther on the help page I linked to and read the 2 sections just above about Windows SmartScreen and Windows Defender–those are additional Windows features that frequently plague users attempting to download and run installers for just-released versions. See if either of those help move you forward.