Range bugs (Area of Effect and Global Key Command)

Vassal 3.7.14; Windows 10; 16GB RAM; Java 8.1 update 431(build 1.8.0_431-b10)

My own module 496 810 KB
The map is made up of multiple boards. Each board has a Multi-zoned Grid with several Zones. Each Zone has a Hex Grid.

  1. Global Key Command with fixed range in one piece affect other pieace only on first column and first row on multiboard map.
    On the other boards range is changed to “0” (it works only if one piece is putted on the other piece).

  2. That same Global Key Command with fixed range. One piece do not affect other pieace if the first is on the Hex Grid in first Zone and the second is on the Hex Grid in second Zone.
    It looks like the range is not transferring between zones.

  3. Area of Effect Trait on the piece. Graphically highlight an area surrounding a game piece that is Masked is shifted very far to the upper left.

Video: https://youtu.be/MzuDTQytdjQ

I repeat the problems raised in the post and presented here https://youtu.be/MzuDTQytdjQ