Recover files in a CyberBoard module to use with VASSAL


A question to recover counters eventually player aids in a CyberBoard module different than VASSAL no possible to use ZIP to have elements ! and i arrive to recover only maps because i can save directly with CyberBoard but not other elements have you one idea please ?


I do have a tool than can extract the images from a Cyberboard module if you send me a link to it.

Have you asked the Cyberboard module developer for permission to re-use their artwork?


Thank you :slight_smile: great !

The module i have uploaded on ATO web site for this game Kesselschlacht: Ukraine Spring 1944 | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
but i don’t have link because dead link for the site where they are the modules …and it is enough recent
Here normaly where they are all the modules !

It is for personnal use and no personnal artwork but i have a Dropbox if us can do

Is this the gamebox?

Yep but one error for the link ! sorry :slight_smile:

I have a partially built CB converter tool that I was able to extract the images from some gameboxes I tried it on. Unfortunately, this gamebox is using some features I haven’t catered for yet. so it is crashing.

I’m sorry to say, I can’t help you at this time. It is something I plan to get back to, but have too many other things on my plate at the moment.


Are you trying to get all the images? Just the tile images? If what you’re after is just the tiles, I have some Perl scripts somewhere that can extract those:

You can write out GTL files from Cyberboard, and then will dump those to PNGs.

I have recovered in the module with ZIP player aid and counters don’t interest me they don’t have exact identification as in the game so i cut originals.

And i have save directly the map so i continue and thank you again :slight_smile:

I have a similar situation, so I tried to run your script in Strawberry, but it seems I don’t have Image::Magick set up properly for it. Any suggestions?

We can’t help without more details. How do you know you don’t have Image::Magick set up properly? What exactly did you try? Were there error messages? If so, what were they?

I installed Strawberry 64bit in Windows 10, then ran ImageMagick-7.1.0-40-Q16-HDRI-x64-dll.exe, specifically checking

Add application directory to your system path
Install development headers and libraries for C and C++

When running in Strawberry I get:

Can't locate Image/ in @INC (you may need to install the Image:Magick module) (@INC contains: G:/Stawberry/perl/site/lib G:/Strawberry/per/vendor/lib G:/Strawberry/per/lib) at line 60.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 60.

I’ve tried the installation both with and without checking “Install PerlMagick for Strawberry Perl 5.20” (since it’s not the same version)

I’m a computer technician, but not a programmer, so I’m somewhat out of my element here.

I don’t know anything about Strawberry.

The error message you’re seeing is from Perl, and it’s telling you that Perl can’t find the Image:Magick module.

I would check two things:

  • Does the ImageMagick pacakge you installed contain the Perl module for ImageMagick, or is there an additional package for the Perl module? If so, you must also install that.
  • If you have the Perl module installed, was it installed to one of the paths listed in the error message?

Hello I re use this topic because i want for a game created a VASSAL module actually don’t exist but a cyberboard module exist.

Already i have saved in the cyberboard module 1/ map 2/ player aids

But i don’ arrive to extract/save counters exist a solution please ?

Have you tried the scripts in cbutils I linked to above?

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Not yet bcs my english a bit limited can you help me 1/ i have to sign in ? 2/ and “You can write out GTL files from Cyberboard, and then will dump those to PNGs.” GTL is and how use please ?

You don’t need to sign in. The files are publicly available on Github.

To use:

  1. Save a GTL file from the Cyberboard editor.
  2. Run name_of_gtl_file.

You need Perl installed for this. That’s the limit of the support I’m wiling to provide for these old scripts.

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Thank you again.


I guess you’d like to extract the various graphics from the the Cyberboard module.

You can use my pywargame Python module - in particular the scripts,, and

The first two will extract data from the a GameBox (gbx) or Scenario (gsn) file, respectively. For example  Kesselschlacht.gsn 

will create a ZIP file called that contains all the counter images as PNGs and the boards as SVGs (not always perfectly extracted - use f.ex. inkscape to correct it), as well as a JSON file with meta information about the scenario and images.

The script will try to generate a VASSAL module from the input Cyberboard Scenario - e.g., Kesselschlacht.gsn

will write Kesselschlacht.vmod. The generated module is pretty simple and basically contains the pieces and maps. You will most likely need to edit the module in the VASSAL editor. Alternatively, you can provide a patch Python script -p Kesselschlacht.gsn

to process the generated module in Python as you see fit. See the GitLab page of pywargame for more on this.

The linked scripts above are stand-alone, but do need some other Python modules. Do

pip install numpy pillow svgwrite wand

to install the dependencies.


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