Reds! The Russian Civil War

Version 3 of Reds! is now available for play. Report any problems or suggestions for making it better.

In your newest module I have found “optional units” and spent the last few months at least trying to find any information on the rules regarding them. Could you please explain why these “optional units” exist and where can I find rules about them.
Thank you!

Some old news posts ended up being posted my me when we imported the news feed from the old site—but I wasn’t the one who posted this. You should ask the module’s maintainer about the module, not me. Consult the module’s page to find who its maintainer is.

Thank you for responding! What if the module’s maintainer is unknown?

The user who uploaded the most recent module version is @TheLockers. You might try contacting that user. Or possibly look to see if the maintainer is on BGG?