Refreshing Predefined Setups - Spurious Warnings Advice

I ran the Predefined Setup Refresh tool. At the bottom of all the chat window entries there were statements that each refreshed predefined game had 1 Warning. However, that was the only place that stated anything about warnings. There are no warnings in any of the chat window entries for each of the predefined games. Ditto for the error log (which essentially just duplicates the chat log text).

There might be an expectation that if there are statements of a warning for each game refreshed, then there should be at least a warning statement within each of those games refresh entries. Perhaps even explaining what the warning was for/about. Link is to a txt file containing the whole chat windows output.

predefined setups refresh results.txt - Google Drive**

Thanks for the report. I think the warning count was triggered in each refresh as delete decks option was selected and no decks were found that needed to be deleted:
(would be similar, for add).

I agree and that is the case for other warning conditions. I’ve logged issue #13366. I hope to get time again for Vassal development later in the year, at which point I will work on the issue (unless addressed in the meanwhile, of course).

Yes, I would agree with that hypothesis. (even though I’m a complete numpty when it comes to Vassal or any other programming language).