Regards to ZENONZARD> TCG Creation Design (Request)

Hello, I’ve never used vassal, but I’m allowed to say that I follow The aspect of CCG, TCG, LCG, etc very directly and concretely…

Folks of Vassal’s community say that the Vassal can be fairly objective towards the design of any card game due to original accessories, plugins, designs, arts, etc for any card game.

So I want to offer this as an idea to everyone have heard of this card game originally based off the mobile game.

“ZENONZARD” is equipped with AI specialized for “trading card game”. The concept of matches goes against AI vs humans, machine learning such as deep learning (Either Helping the player or being Against it) advances AI every day, and it becomes possible to develop an unprecedented heated battle, and the playing contents through the match against the player AI develops with personality by thinking, thinking and so on.

The gameplay utilities similar elements to “Battle Spirits”, however, it’s unquoted mechanics are to be shown when the game releases its beta lunch. They released physical copies of their structure deck’s and guide for an actual gameplay…

Game features

  • PVP Matches (match mode, competitive mode)
  • Tag Team Matches (Crossover Mode)
  • Interaction with an AI (Leveling an AI)

Card Design

Mat Design

Source provided by

P.S - Can anyone implement this card game when it is released into Vassal?