[Resolved] Play sound when "mark when moved"

I use vassal 3.1.0

I have a prototype “2”.
In this prototype, i include “mark when moved” (CTRL+M).
I include a play sound : ALT+CTRL+Q

now i include a trigger because i want to play sound when “mark when moved” is true.

So, my trigger is :
Trigger when propertie match : Moved=true
Watch for these keystrokes : CTRL+M
Perform these keystrokes : ALT+CTRL+Q

But when i move my item on the board : no sound.
If I clic on CTRL+M : the sound is ok…

How can i do ?
thank you !

my module is here : grognards-dbdm.fr/CryHavoc/CryHavoc.mod

Ctrl-M is not sent to pieces when they move unless you physically select it on the counter, or you use the Map “Apply key to pieces that end movement on this map” to send it.

All you have done is set up a Control-Key that when you apply it manually to counter, it marks the piece moved.

Set up Alt-Ctrl-Q as the map auto-move key.


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On 15/03/2009 at 3:47 AM col_klink wrote:

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thank you.

[…or you use the Map “Apply key to pieces that end movement on this map” to send it. ]

well…I can not find where this option is…

Open a Map component, it is at the bottom.

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On 15/03/2009 at 12:17 PM col_klink wrote:

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Thank you again !

I’ve attached image1.png
i’m really sorry but where is-it ?

Double-click on ‘Main Map [Map Window]’ 5th entry from the top to open the Map Component. It is at the bottom of the dialog.

For each map, you can specify a command key that is automatically sent to all units that end their movement on that map.


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Thank you very much Brent Easton for your patience…

that’s ok now : i have a sound for each prototype
(footer and a different soud for horse raider).