���'s in Chat Window

I’m not able to locate a solution for this issue but whenever I click on a map/game piece/etc. (no matter what module I have open), my chat log begins to type �’s endlessly.

My chat will look like this if I keep it running:

How can I get rid of this annoyance? Any help would be appreciated.

Thus spake raggaragga:

I’m not able to locate a solution for this issue but whenever I click on
a map/game piece/etc. (no matter what module I have open), my chat log
begins to type �’s endlessly.

My chat will look like this if I keep it running:

How can I get rid of this annoyance? Any help would be appreciated.

We need more details to be able to help you, viz.:

  • your OS
  • your version of Java
  • your version of VASSAL
  • an errorLog from a run of VASSAL after this problem has occurred


  • Was there a time when you didn’t have this problem? If so, what
    changes have been made to your computer since then? (E.g., have you
    changed versions of Java or VASSAL?)
