Separate "show" Move Flag from "control" Move Flag

Currently, Vassal lumps “show” and “control” the move flag together. However, this presents a problem with regard to masked/hidden units.

It’s generally important for an opponent to see the move status of a unit whether it’s hidden or not. However, that opponent shouldn’t be able to control the display of the move flag (e.g., artificially flagging a unit as moved that hasn’t moved).

Thus, it would be helpful to segregate these two functions into two distinct traits…

Why would I mark one of your pieces as moved if it hadn’t moved?

  1. accident
  2. disinformation (units w/ moved flag would be ineligible to move again). The whole concept of mask is to prevent people from seeing/changing things they shouldn’t. Changing the move flag is something most people shouldn’t be doing. However, visibility (regardless of mask status) is important