Site Outage Resolved

I made a catastrophic sysadmin error yesterday afternoon which necessitated restoring from our daily backups (which were only a few hours old at that point). The site is back online now, with the exception of the wiki, which will follow later today.

We apologize for the inconvenience.


Been there, done that :slight_smile:

Totally understand, done it myself.
Is there however anywhere we could have gone and found out why the site was down and got an update on timescales. I looked at FB and twitter and could not find anything and of course your server status works off the website so was dead.
Just means if its a quick reboot we can wait, but if a rebuild then we know to forget it till tomorrow.

He posted an updated in the VASSAL topic on Consimworld. Just remember that this is a very small operation being done by people in their free time–there’s no SLA. Going out and posting in multiple places would use up time that was going to actual restoration work.

I posted notifications in our fourm on Consimworld and in the two groups I know of on Facebook (Vassal Wargamers Europe, Vassal Wargamers Americas). At some point I will start putting notices like that on Twitter, but I’m not that far along yet.

I looked at CSW but missed the forum there - my bad. What was posted there was perfectly good.
Was not looking for a blow by blow report just something that told me that it was not my computer that was having the issue and the CSW post was good for that.
and on a separate note - thank you for what you do, its very helpful to the community.

I had posted an opponents wanted post a few minutes before the outage. Thought I broke it. :scream: :grinning:

Has the site been all fixed? I can not seem to click on the Modules icon at the top. I get this:

This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.


I haven’t gotten the wiki back up yet, no. Expect that to happen this evening.

The wiki is back online now.


Oh, oh…

go to the root, and type

/RM -R

give it a try, lots of fun!!! :rofl:

I once asked a cop if I could have his gun, and I thought it was funny. He didn’t. This reminds me of that. :wink:

Eh, if you type exactly what he suggested, you’ll just get an error, anyway (anyone who knows Linux/UNIX will know why).


IT guys…we’ve all been there. Thanks for your dedication to get the issue resolved.

thanks for the information…