Sixth player for Here I Stand campaign scenario

We are a group of Here I Stand fans looking for a sixth to join us for a new game. A prospective player ideally is fairly well-versed in Here I Stand rules, must be pleasant to play with, and (barring emergencies, vacation, or similar) be able to complete their turn within about 2 days of their impulse coming up.

We use a shared Dropbox folder to store game logs and other helpful game files. We do not use ACTS or any other add-on because to my knowledge none of them actually prohibit cheating and they make things unnecessarily complicated. We have a great group and we trust each other to play fairly.

Powers have not yet been chosen and you will have a chance to indicate which power(s) you’d like to play or prefer not to play.

If you are interested send me a message in this thread or a DM.


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Hello! I don’t know how to play it but I have experience from other wargames and I believe I can learn the rules fast. Also, I’m Spanish but my level of English is pretty good.

Looks like I have a sixth player. If you see this and want to be on the list to join future HIS or VQ pbem send me a message.

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