Starship Troopers Module Update v3.0

v3.0 Update - Collaboration w/ SST Fanatic, Lazzar

  • Now Supports PBEM
  • Automatic Combat Drop-Scatter!
  • Unit SW&E Tags
  • Unit Status Tags
  • SW&E Counters
  • Arachnid Demo Point Counter
  • Terran Squad Colors
  • Arachnid Cell Colors

How does one designate the drop vector for the automatic drop tool?

The auto-drop function automatically rolls to determine the vector and applies it during the process.

Thanks for your response…the counters keeping track of the various SW&E expenditures don’t appear to be working correctly.

Also, could you provide a how to for building arachnid tunnel complexes…I have been unable to move the brain cells or tunnel segments…

thanks for your time

SW&E counters appear to be working…just make sure that you are not using an old save-game and they should work. Also note that, when expending SW&E, the counter doesn’t count down because it is intended to show the opponent how many have been allocated in total, not how many remain. This is an accountability mechanism so that the arachnid opponent can see that the Terran hasn’t over-supplied.

Click the “How to Play” button to find the supplement. In it you should find reference to the fact that “Alt-Click” is used on items intended to be moved less often…such as tunnel segments.

By the way…version 3.1 is available and 3.2 is in testing.


Hi Harald,

Thanks for your reply. I did not catch that the Counter on the screen is just a total allocated. Thank you,

I also missed the Alt-click reference…much appreciated.

Great mod!!

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