Currently, there is no easy way to turn on/off a Text Label - it always displays if there is any content. However, there are a number of times when I have wanted the ability to turn on/off a text label, without changing the $property$ it is displaying. This has necessitated creating another property for manipulation, solely for the purpose of being able to control whether it is displayed or not (e.g., Strength —> Display_Strength). This adds additional complexity.
A key command giving the ability toggle on/off would be helpful.
Another recent need was the desire to apply different formatting, for the same $property$ depending on it’s value.
Example - Green (full health), Yellow (wounded), Red (severely wounded), Black (dying).
Adding a $property$ match field “Display when properties match” (leave empty to always display) - similar to the Trigger Action field “Trigger when properties match” would be a significant help.
I think the second feature request actually would mostly satisfy the first and is more powerful/flexible…
Neither of these should affect any existing modules…