The Fantasy Trip: Melee/Wizard (bug and suggestions)


I checked out the latest The Fantasy Trip: Melee/Wizard module. It looks very nice. I can’t find an email for Ed Messina, but I suspect he’s around here.

I found one bug: the 6d6 button only rolls 5 dice.

Also, I think it would be useful to allow fighters to have IQ, even if it’s not part of basic Melee, since when combined with Wizard, IQ is important for disbelieving illusions, etc.

I have some other suggestions, mostly cosmetic:

  • adding a turn counter,
  • more figure types, and
  • some symbolic dice as in [edited this link]
    The module editor seems pretty easy to use, so I’d be willing to do some of those things myself if I can contribute back to the source. Is uploading them to the forum a way?

Thanks for the feedback! These are excellent ideas. I’ll post a revised version shortly.
