The Russian Campaing Rail Movement dude

Hi, I’m playing TRC game and we have a dude about railroad movement. My mate says that we cant change direction in hexes with rail unions, I mean you must go to next city and then change the rail. I say no. Rules doesn’t ban that movements.

Can you please help us?


I’ve never heard of anything special about cities and always thought you could take any route through rail junctions. If there are 2 unconnected rail lines in the hex that’s different–then you can only switch by waiting for a new turn or travelling to where they connect. Good luck.

That’s the way I’ve always played it, but 99% of my experience is solo play.

The rail travel rules are one of the vaguer parts of TRC3 and could use clarification. I read trough the 4th edition rail rules once, which stuck me as nightmarish, as did almost all 4th edition “clarifications”.
This is one of the issues I hope gets both clarified and simplified in the upcoming 5th edition, which supposedly had extensive involvement with the original designer, John Edwards.

Me too!

You can rail move from any friendly rail hex to any other adjacent friendly rail hex as long as the two hexes are connected by a railline travelling through a contiguous hexside of the hexes. .

I had no problems with TRC rules. Anyone want to play with the first optional rules section of TRC4? That section has rules that didn’t used to be optional. Worker evac, later war sov air, artillery, ss replacement substitutes, etc.