Hi,Hi everyone, I’m making my demo tutorial for people in Italy since there are, among the many things I’ve created like characters, 2 dice, 20-sided dice, cards on the map, cards in the deck, private windows, mini map, manual, tutorial, etc, I was testing the sounds, with the dice no problem maybe because you use the button, but with the tokens (characters) I don’t hear the audio, I put play sound in token definition, to have an effect click when you move the character but I don’t hear anything, where am I wrong? am I missing something?
I post my procedure, thanks

right click [Game Piece Prototype Definitions]
add [Definitions]
name Token
add play sound, add marker Layer Tokens, add does not stack
right click [Add Map Window]
add Board
add [Add At-Start Stack]
add [Add Single Piece]
Alien basic piece name e picture, prototype =Token

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OK I found the solution and it works like this,
click on main map and add a combination of keys like “CTRL + P” in key command
click on [Game Piece Prototype Definitions] and in definion tokens add play sound
insert sound and then command keyboard command CTRL + p
same thing for tokens in map windowd
change CTRL + P

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