Totaler Krieg! Game (PBEM/Real Time)

Looking for an opponent (or two, I suppose) to play a game of Totaler Krieg! : Either PBEM or Real Time or some combination of both – whatever ends up working out the best.

Played the game quite a few times, but never all the way to the end.

Hi nwnelson,

In case you don’t have an opponent to play Totaler Krieg I would like to play with you…

I’d be interested in playing as well.

Wow, great! I’ve never played a 3-player game before if you both would be interested in giving that a try. Interested?

Otherwise, I’d be down for just a standard two player game. I’ve already got one game going (with me as the Axis), so I have a preference (but not an absolute preference) to play the Allies/Soviets.

Generally I was thinking a friendly-style game. Everyone forgets/messes-up the rules from time to time and makes mistakes – I like to be generally relaxed and accommodating about stuff like that. Mostly PBEM works best for me because of a busy schedule, but we could do some real-time too as schedules permit.

I’ve played many 3-player games (and some 6-player games :open_mouth: ), so I’m very comfortable with the rules. I can play real-time on weekends, otherwise PbEM will work. I don’t really care which side I play.