Hi ,
I’m having loading CC on my Mac OSX 10.4.11. I’ve tried clicking on the.sh file (without opening Vassel) but nothing happens, any thoughts?
Hi ,
I’m having loading CC on my Mac OSX 10.4.11. I’ve tried clicking on the.sh file (without opening Vassel) but nothing happens, any thoughts?
File has a few synyax errors in it and I renamed it (not a good idea)
Try this one instead.
If it does not launch by dbl click, open terminal and try running by typing “sh cc.sh”
Edit: File reuploaded - had error in it…
Hi Tim,
Thanks for the quick response. I downloaded the file and found Terminal but I’m not sure what to do next.
In terminal type:
Sh cc.sh
And shell file should start running mod
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Hi Tim,
Thanks for patience. With Terminal open, do I go to " New Shell" or " New Command" I have never worked with (or heard of) Terminal until this posting.
When I type in Sh cc.sh in New Shell I get this:
Last login: Sun Jan 27 11:09:30 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
s01060019e3381d41:~ anthony$ sh cc.sh
cc.sh: cc.sh: No such file or directory
s01060019e3381d41:~ anthony$
and when I put it into New command I get:
cc.sh: cc.sh: No such file or directory
[Process exited - exit code 127]
What am I doing wrong?
Thus spake “drmabuse00”:
Your home directory (that’s the ‘~’ in your prompt) was your current
directory when you tried to run cc.sh. The error message you received
is telling you that cc.sh is not in your current directory. One way to
solve this problem is to change to the directory where cc.sh is. You
can change directories using the ‘cd’ command. E.g., ‘cd foo’ will change
your current directory from the one you’re in, ~, to ~/foo.
Where did you unpack the module? That would be a good place to look for
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Im getting this question a lot regarding terminal (what to do there). Now
that Vassal is fixed with a bat/exe for windows isn’t there something
similar for macs that can be done.
It would seem to me that not all mac users know what to do with a sh file,
be it running the file in terminal (how to - I don’t know till you explained
not having mac) or disassociating sh file from text editor which also seems
to be constant issue for many because dbl clicking wants to open the sh file
with editor instead of running (again I don’t know how one does that on a
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Hi guys,
I tried to change the file opening default from text editor to Terminal and got this:
Last login: Sun Jan 27 11:57:02 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
/Users/anthony/cc.sh; exit
s01060019e3381d41:~ anthony$ /Users/anthony/cc.sh; exit
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/vassalengine/Main
[Process completed]
but still no dice.
Are there any Mac OSX 10.4 users that have been able to get this running in your experience Tim?
Hi Tim,
Tim McCaron wrote:
Right way, IMO, would be to run it through the Java Bundler, as I’ve
done for ‘regular’ VASSAL. This creates a proper Mac application that
can be double-clicked on, dragged around as a single file, and also has
the menu bar in the Mac menu bar at the top of screen, not attached to
the window. (You could also attach a nice icon to it, so it doesn’t
have the ugly generic java app one in the Dock).
I can sort this out - as long as all the parameters you’re passing from
the script can be forced in through the Bundler - but it’s something
that would need to be done for each new release. It takes me only a few
minutes, but it does need doing on a Mac.
If this sounds useful / acceptable, let me know and I’ll put one
together for the people having Mac problems to try.
Getting shell scripts to run from a double-click seems non-trivial, from
some short investigation here
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Thus spake Tim Franklin:
Hey, Tim, I’m still planning to do something with the build stuff you
gave me—hopefully I’ll be able to create the bundle on Linux. This is
something we need to have working for 3.1.0, and I’ve been putting it off
because it’s something I can’t test. Will you have time to test some
bundles on a Mac for me if I create them?
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Joel Uckelman wrote:
Sure thing. I found a snippet of info on scripting updates to the disk
image (DMG) file as well, without needing a Mac, but I need to have a
play there. (Sounds like it should be mountable as a loopback HFS file
system under Linux, if you have both those options available…)
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Hi guys,
I’m now officially way out of my league (well I was when I was looking for Terminal) so I will step back and let you guys go to work. If you could continue to update this post with your progress I’d be ( along with other Mac users) most appreciative for the effort.
Cheers and good luck,
drmabuse00 wrote:
Sorry to techie-hijack the thread
Hopefully between us we can come up with a solution that’s more
conventional for Mac users to deal with.
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Tim pointed out an error in my sh file, so I’ve reuploaded it with correction.
Too many files floating around on my desktop…
Hi Joel,
Tim Franklin wrote:
Sorry to reply to myself, but I found this while prodding about earlier
On the original topic, I’m still looking at applificating the Combat
Commander module, but I’m having some grief with the ‘-auto’ option.
Once I’ve put things in a bundle, it fails with:
– OS Mac OS X
– Java version 1.5.0_13
– VASSAL version 3.0.13
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence.
at VASSAL.launch.BasicModule.build(BasicModule.java:76)
at VASSAL.build.GameModule.init(GameModule.java:680)
at VASSAL.launch.Main.launch(Main.java:135)
(have more saved if you need it)
This looks to me like it can’t find the auto-load module where it’s
expecting it. Walking through the code by hand (I’ve not set myself up
to the point of being able to build / debug VASSAL yet), I can follow up
to calling JarArchive(), which calls JarArchive(null), which calls
DataArchive(), but I’m a bit stumped as to how things get from there to
which file inside which JAR the archive we’re actually reading.
Pointers on how ‘-auto’ works welcome
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On Jan 27, 2008, at 11:48 AM, Tim McCaron wrote:
The simplest way to make a shell script file executable on a Mac is to
rename it to end in .command
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Thus spake Tim Franklin:
Can you supply me with a JavaApplicationStub from your copy of OS X? I
can’t make a bundle without it, it seems.
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Really? Interesting -3rd method Ive heard of now!
So, like the exe file we have now for dos/windows (which is a converted bat file), we can do the same for mac with a sh file, and not need to go through some process of converting Vassal for macs which Tim P currently does with dmg setup (thus creating essentially 2 OS specific versions of vassal as I understand it)
My question is - why hasn’t this been done and included in Vassal before then? There has got to be a catch!
Is this only true for Macs, but not Linux? If so would it not be just as easy to include 3 launch files - a exe (windows) command (Mac) and sh (Linux)
Is a utility needed to convert the sh to command (like one needed to convert the bat to exe) or is it just that simple: rename the file?
Well as I noted to Tim P, seems to be several ways to do things regarding Mac, so I’ll let you Mac guys decide the best of each methods merits, but I’ll put a vote in that I really do like the idea of an equivalent to the windows exe. Double clicking a single small included file with a big glowing “click here to run me” sign and everything starts working everytime, and never becomes an issue, just seems like a no brainer to most people - even computer clueless folk.
Thomas Russ tar@ISI.EDU wrote:
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Thus spake Timothy Mccarron:
Well as I noted to Tim P, seems to be several ways to do things regarding M
ac, so I’ll let you Mac guys decide the best of each methods merits, but I’ll
put a vote in that I really do like the idea of an equivalent to the windows
exe. Double clicking a single small included file with a big glowing “click
here to run me” sign and everything starts working everytime, and never becom
es an issue, just seems like a no brainer to most people - even computer clue
less folk.
All I need to do this is to get a JavaApplicationStub from someone with
a current version of OS X.
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May I just bring up again
Creating Mac application bundles really isn’t that hard. For those of you without a Mac, look at
for a look at what is in the DMG (with no changes to the contents). It really is just a matter of creating a directory structure, adding one XML file and a icns file so that it looks pretty.
It really seems like we just keep reinventing the wheel on this one.