TurnTracker and Stacking Options bugs (1875948, 1878310)


I filed two new bugs which I think you might be in the best position to tackle:

Bug 1875948 is about how the width of the TurnTracker changes as you
cycle through the text, which looks dumb.

Bug 1878310 is about how byzantine the procedure is to get stacked tokens
to draw rather than be replaced by a colored rectangle.

I think both will be pretty easy to solve. If you don’t want these, let
me know and I’ll get around to them eventually.

Joel, tried your little solution here and works great for this. :slight_smile:

Brent did say it was programmed behavior, there’s just nothing in the ref manual explaining what no color will do in the stacking selection dialog box.
Changing the manual explaining this would be the easiest bug solution I think :slight_smile:

Thus spake “Tim M”:

I’m glad it’s useful.

It’s totally weird and counterintiutive to have to bring up a dialog
and hit “Cancel” in order to set a value. Documenting it won’t make
it any less weird or counterintuitive.


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I see your point Joel - but I went back in manual and poked about. From the manual:

“Color of pieces when not expanded: If set, then pieces below the top piece in a compact stack will be drawn as plain squares of this color and a black border. If not set (hit the “Select” button and cancel the color-selection dialog) then pieces will be drawn normally.”

Thinking about it, this behavior is also true for the Mouse Over Stack Viewer highlight border and probably any component (including maps) where one can select a color to display.

If you were to go back and change this here on stacking selection, I think it would need to change to all these color selection types also for consistency or we would be creating confusion in how we get a transparent color which is what we are basically doing

Thus spake “Tim M”:

Maybe I’ll fix all of them, then.

Is there any use in this case for anything other than full transparency
or full opacity? If so, we could solve this problem by adding a
transparency slider.


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I remember looking at this once, but it is not really transparency as such, it is either color or no color. The colors are stored internally in Color variables, with null = no color/transparency. In the buildfile, colors are written as a string of 3 integers for RGB, or as a null string for no color/transparency. I could not see an easy way to introduce transparency generally to all color settings.

I think all that is really needed here is a slightly improved ColorConfigurer that has a an extra button labeled ‘No Color’ that sets the Color variable to null.

There is an option to set a fixed length for the TurnTracker, but you have to manually calculate a length.

I’ve actually included code to return the longest value for a level, but I’m not using it. Fixed length should probably be default and use that longest length. I vaguely remember problems with Font Metrics and actually being able to calculate the length.

There are serious problems with the Docking feature if you use multiple TurnTrackers. I am actually thinking of removing the docking feature and leave it until something happens with Flexidock.

Thus spake “Brent Easton”:

Hmm. It should be possible to get an accurate length with FontMetrics.
If not, that’s a bug Sun should fix.

Is there a use case in which you would want the width of the TurnTracker to
be dynamic? (I’m not thinking of one.)

Is this due to space constraints?


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My original thought was that you would not advance the turn that often, so the length changing would not matter.

Also, when it is docked into the toolbar, you want it to be as short as possible so as to not force buttons onto a second row unnecessarily.

No, Just bugs in the code handling multiple trackers. I originally only envisaged having one per module, but people have been adding one for main turn sequence, and then another for phase sequence of play , for example. I fixed some problems and made them unique, but the docking UI is shared between all trackers and it involves saving the docking state in preferences, so it becomes very messy. Flexidock handles the docking UI and preferences (ie. saving the docking state) neatly.

Thus spake “Brent Easton”:

I see. Even when you’re advancing the turn only occasionally I think it
looks strange having the other UI elemnts dance about.

Speaking of Flexdock, how’s that coming along?


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Yeah, Ok. A better scheme would be to have fixed length turned on by default, but with the option to make it auto determined, or to have a minimum length specified.

I’m thinking about a list of 10 items where 9 are short and 1 is long, so you would want the display short and of fixed length most of the time, but auto-extend to display the long item when the minimum length is extended.

I’ve put the flexdock reply in a new topic.

Thus spake “Brent Easton”:

Hmm. No, my intuition runs the other way. I think it’s bad no matter how
much of an outlier the longest one is.


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