Update - Commands & Colors Napoleonics v4.1.3


v4.1.3 of the Vassal module for Commands & Colors: Napoleonics is now available.

This update fixes combat marker “no battle” automation (damaged in v4.1.2) and provides a couple of other minor fixes. For more detail, review the v4.1.3 section of the change log.

Version 4.1.3 is backward compatible with earlier version 4.1.x log and game files

Requires Vassal v3.6.6 or later*. Recommended heap size: 1024 Mb (set in Preferences…General tab).

*New scenario creation is affected by a bug in Vassal v3.6.7. Until a fix is available, please use v3.6.6 if creating a new scenario.

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What is the “new scenario” bug?

When creating a new scenario or modifying an existing one, you may click on the Victory Banner track space to see the victory target (or use right-click for the context menu option to do same). Under Vassal v3.6.7, the effect is to set the target space all to “1”. A bad data error is generated, for example:

  • Bad Data in Module: Piece: French VB Slot Trait: Trigger Action - Allocate a slot to its number. Assumes contiguous slots - configure => next Source: {gVBtarget - gVBtargetLoc + LocationName} Error: Expression evaluation error. See the errorlog for more details…

I believe this is due to earlier changes discussed in this thread. The error does not occur in v3.6.6 nor in recent builds of Vassal v3.6.8.

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Thank you for the information.

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