Updating module from 3.1.13 to 3.6.7

I’m running into a strange issue with an old module (Hitler’s War), where pieces are not properly reporting movement.

In particular, the $pieceName$ is coming up blank for the Basic Name portion, but a trait layer is showing.

This is one of a number of issues I’m trying to resolve… Any ideas why $pieceName$ might not be reporting properly?

Ok, the module used layers and “use as prefix/suffix” was not checked, thus replacing the piecename.

However, for whatever reason the basicName was also not working properly… Not sure if for same reason or not…

FWIW - I don’t think “replacing” a pieces name with a layer name is good default behavior. I think it’s a great option, but shouldn’t be the default… (i.e., consider a change in the paradigm for V4).