Vassal 3.1 beta 3 module start and then cancel bug

When selecting a module to play, the Vassal wizard starts up and you get the 3 choices of “Start new game offline”, “Start new game online” and “Load saved game”.

If you then select “Cancel” at the bottom right of the screen, the game still loads up. I would expect that the appropriate action would be to return to the main Vassal window where your most recently opened modules are listed so that you could choose another game.

Also, deselecting the “Show wizard at startup” option in General preferences doesn’t do anything. The next time you start a module, it is reselected.

G’day all,

I’ve started testing beta 8 for the bugs I stated in the post above. Unfortunately these have not been fully resolved. Both of these bugs are easily reproduced.

The “Cancel” bug is still active.

Deselecting the “Show wizard at startup” option on the welcome screen correctly stops the wizard from starting the next time you wish to play a game. However, trying to bring back the wizard by using the same option in General preferences doesn’t quite work.

I’ll give a brief example of what occurs. I’ve started a game and deselected the “Show wizard at startup” option on the main screen. The next time I start a module by double clicking on it will take me straight to the game with no wizard. All good so far.

Now I want to bring back the wizard. So I click on “Preferences” on the “File” menu of the main screen. The preferences window pops up and has the “Show Wizard at startup?” checkbox selected. So I click OK thinking that the wizard will now appear the next time I start a module. I double click on the game module but no wizard, it simply takes me straight to the game.

The workaround I found to get this working is that I had to deselect the “Show Wizard at startup?” checkbox and then click OK. I then go back to the preferences and select the checkbox a second time and then click OK. Now the wizard will appear when I double click on the game module to start it.

It appears that Vassal doesn’t recognise that the checkbox state has been manipulated until you hit OK with the checkbox in 2 different states, i.e. unchecked and then checked.

Hope this helps. It would be great to see this fixed before 3.1 becomes official.

Thus spake “LurchBrick”:

This is not a bug. It is the intended behavior of the Cancel button—pressing
it cancels the wizard. In any case, we’re going to remove or rework the wizard
for 3.2.

Are you loading a second instance of the module before closing the first one?

If that’s what you’re doing, then I know the cause: The preferences from the
first module haven’t been saved yet. (I did argue at the time that this would
cause problems with preferences consistency…)


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Must be my interpretation of the cancel button. To me, that cancel button means cancel opening the module, not cancel the wizard.

No I am not loading a second instance. I fully close down the module before selecting the preference menu option.

Thus spake “LurchBrick”:

Hmm. That’s not what I expected, then. Someone will look at this, either for
3.1.0 or 3.1.1.

Would you mind filing a bug report for this? … tid=594231


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It’s working for me. I start a module, click the Wizard at startup checkbox
off. Completely close out of Vassal. Restart vassal and module, no wizard.
Go to preferences, turn wizard back on, click ok and completely exit vassal.
Start vassal, load module, wizard is back up. Tried it with Through the Ages
and the Conflict of Heroes module I’m working on.

Also I’m not familiar with the cancel ‘bug’. I click cancel on the wizard
and it takes me to the module directly without going through any wizard
setup steps, isn’t that what it’s supposed to do?


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Thus spake “Chuck Parrott”:

Yes. As I said, this is not a bug.


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On 23/02/2009 at 4:28 AM LurchBrick wrote:

What about the Module Manager?

The Module Manager and running modules run as completely seperate programs and both have an option to turn the wizard off. Turning off the wizard preference in a module does not change the preference setting in the Module Manager until it restarts.


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I should clarify that I am definitely exiting the game module but I am not closing down the Module Manager as Cparrot is doing in a previous post. I edit the Preferences in the Module manager, not while the module itself is running.

I wouldn’t think it should be necessary to close Vassal down entirely to update the wizard preference.

Joel: I’ve added this to the bug tracker.


The problem is that when you make a change to any preferences in a running module (in the Player or Editor), the Module Manager does not see these changes until it is restarted.

So the actual state of the preferences on disk is out of step with what is now displayed in the Module Manager. You see the wizard preference turned on in the Manager, even though it has been turned off by the Player.

I agree this is confusing.

There are only 3 Global Preference shared between the Manager and the Editor/Player, though there may be more in the future - Language, Wizard at startup and D3D pipeline.

One solution would be for the Editor/Player to send a message on the CommandServer socket whenever it updates a global preference and have the Manager refresh it’s preferences.


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Thus spake “Brent Easton”:

This is what I would suggest. (It should be possible to do this in both


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