Vassal 3.5.4 Blocked

Down loading 3.5.4 the message came up that: the window.exe was blocked because it could harm my device>

What should I do?


I cant tell you what to do, but I’ve got 3.5.4 an had no issues.

Had the same message,
I believe its a windows exe issue, that is well known about , but I could be wrong however :slight_smile:

Thus spake GregOnline:

Down loading 3.5.4 the message came up that: the window.exe was blocked
because it could harm my device>

Would you provide a complete quote of the message, or a screenshot?


When I dowloaded the 3.5.4 i had the same “warning” window from the system. I just allowed the permissions to download and execute Vassal.

Thanks Gabriel. That seems to have worked.

Yes, all Vassal installs are blocked by Windows by default. Something about “unverified” source or something. You should just allow it to procede.

BTW, the same applies to this forum: whenever you need to log back in it tells you that your pw could be intercepted. The Vassal webmaster should consider switching to https for account related procedures, perhaps.

Thus spake barbanera:

BTW, the same applies to this forum: whenever you need to log back in it
tells you that your pw could be intercepted. The Vassal webmaster should
consider switching to https for account related procedures, perhaps.

That’s already planned for the next time I upgrade the system.
