Vassal 3.6.5 crashes on startup for MacOS 12.2.1

I just installed Vassal 3.6.5 and it simply crashes on startup. No error message.
I have 16Go of RAM,

3.6.4 works fine,


Sounds like you’ve installed Vassal for the wrong Mac architecture.
What Mac model are you using and what install option are you presented with on the Vassal home page, here (example below) ?

Thank you for your help.

I have Vassal for x86 Intel, and have an Intel Mac.

I just realized that holding the command button while double clicking on Vassal leads to a successfull startup sequence (without Apple’s dialogue about unverified application. And then opening Vassal works normally.

So the bug must have been linked with Apple’s protection against “unverified” applications ?

I have removed and re-installed Vassal and cannot reproduce the bug anyway… Which is good, in a way !

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This isn’t a bug in VASSAL or MacOS. This is Apple’s Gatekeeper security protocol doing what it’s intended to do. You can view steps to deal with it here, or Google how to change the Gatekeeper settings in MacOS to something more relaxed (if comfortable doing so).

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Maybe. But then I had been through a Gatekeeper dialogu before and did my usual steps to deal with it. I am used at dealing with Gatekeeper, and I had never seen it stop an application startup without a dialogue coming up.

Still, probably an issue with the chair-keyboard interface as they say.
Thanks again for your work.