Vassal 3.7.9 Released

I’ve downloaded the Win32bit version twice and the file is shown as “Unconfirmed xxxxxx.crdownload”.

Are you using Chrome? .crdownload is the extension it uses for partially downloaded files. If you have one of those, you don’t have a complete download.

(Also, you don’t want the 32-bit Windows version unless you’re actually running 32-bit Windows.)

Yes, Chrome.
I’m aware that crdownload typically means an incomplete download.
I didn’t have Java installed for the first two downloads. Installed Java and downloaded again - no joy, still crdownload.
As for 32-bit, dude, for how long have I been a pain in the ass around here? Years. :laughing: My computer’s old, 2008 vintage, from when Dubya was the prime criminal. It’s 32-bit.

So, three downloads now, all “Unconfirmed xxxxxx.crdownload”.

That will have no effect whatsoever on your download, nor do you need Java installed at all if you’re going to install Vassal from the Windows installer.

Is your AV program interfering with the download?

No indication that AV is interfering. Nevertheless, I turned it off temporarily, downloaded again, but still no joy. Still crdownload.

AV usually does some check during a Vassal install, but has never given me problems during the download itself. My last Vassal install was the previous version, 3.7.8, which downloaded and ran with no issues, just a few days ago.

Sorry, I don’t have any additional ideas. I use neither Chrome nor Windows myself.

You sure you got the correct versions on your end? Is the 32-bit download actually 32-bit? Didn’t get anything mixed up after a night on the town?
(Time for me to ask the dumb questions :laughing: )

I just tried to download the win32 file and had no issues at all. I would have to guess that you currently have a flaky connection to the github server where the download resides. If you’re using wireless, make sure you’ve got a solid signal. Otherwise, I would simply recommend you try again a bit later, and hopefully whatever part of the connection to github that is currently flaking out will be fixed.

Issue resolved. As usual it was a “user error”.

I warm-rebooted my computer. I don’t think this had any effect on anything, other than removing the previous “partial” downloads.

It did turn out that AV was interfering with the completion of the download, although I don’t know why it did that even after I turned it off. Note that I only turned off my “AVG Free”, not whatever Windows itself does in addition to that.
In any case, after telling it to ignore the perceived “threat”, the download completed normally, I installed Vassal and it seems to run fine.
I’ve never had this issue before with the actual donwload.

I did additionally notice one thing. The 32-bit file that downloads from the link below the front page header is still version 3.7.8, not the new 3.7.9. Only the 32-bit file that downloads from the News page is 3.7.9.

You need to reload the page.

IOW, you just fixed it. That was not a user error on my end.
I visit this site from a bookmark, and I’ve opened the front page several times this morning and up until a few minutes ago the file that downloaded from below the header was 3.7.8, not the new 3.7.9.

No, I changed nothing. You were seeing a stale, cached page until your browser re-requested the page.

OK, you’re the expert, good enough.
Out of curiosity, if my bookmark is “stale” why am I not seeing much older versions of Vassal when I click on the link below the header? Like, the version that existed when I created the bookmark months or years ago?

Bookmarks store a URL, not the contents of the page accessible via that URL.

This works as well as 3.7.8, meaning it crashes immediately upon opening every single time I try to use it. I’m running macOS Sonoma 14.1.

Also, for some time, after being forced out of a room and then re-entering, I find my previous self still present in the original room as well as the Main room.

You’re hitting a bug in MacOS 14.1. Upgrading to the current version, 14.3, seems to solve it: Known issue with Vassal 3.7.8 on M1 Macs? - #8 by JoelCFC25

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Thanks for the insight, Joel! I will give that a try. SO bizarre mine isn’t at the most recent version since I have it set for automatic DL and install…

Hi again Joel - that worked. Thank you!