Vassal 3.7 Beta 5

Actually more a case of notepad ++ compare. copy paste. Takes a lot longer than 30 seconds.

Remember, I have 3 modules and I’m somewhat loathe to do a quickie. There is always, somewhere, a find/replace, that will stuff up everything.

Yes, pressing enter within an expression to create a new line is good, but proper wraparound does not need this - it just does it.

Mind you, I really like the multi line expressions. But, do we have to use a monospaced font? Even courier would be good (I prefer Arial).

It’s not about arbitrary wrap-around, it’s about being able to create and format multi-line expressions with the wraps where you want them to make very long expressions readable and maintainable. The proper method in this case is that Enter enters a new line and Ctrl-Enter activates the OK button.This has been imposed automatically by Java Swing (out UI).

Sorry, why do you need to change anything at all? Have I missed something, what’s suddenly broken?

Generally, for code display and formatting, a monospaced font is better so things can be aligned properly. I’ll look at changing to another monospaced font like Courier if it is available.

I ask Java for the generic font “monospaced” which should select a suitable, monospaced font available on your system. On my system, this looks like it is Courier New, I would be surprised if it was anything different on any other windows system?

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Why was the below change made to Beta-5?
12538: Scenario Options - Allow Observers to Lock option tabs if no Sides taken

I don’t expect Observers to be able to change game states…

I mooted the idea (Discord link) to help in the creation of predefined setups, for which the <observer> mode is primarily used by some modules (any Predefined setup should normally be saved from <observer> role, so this change avoids unnecessary side switching). You can see an example of this in the development C&C Nap module, recently announced.

The key is that this is only allowed if no Sides are taken. Once a Side is taken, Scenario Options should be locked against observers as you require. This means that the time-window for <observer> to amend Scenario Options should be limited to when a game is not yet joined to by a player role and that is largely under control of the person who creates the game.

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Well it is. Definitely not courier new. Definitely monospace something. (me back to Arial :slight_smile: )
Personally, hate courier, any variant.

I post here because i have see now exist a ZOC function interesting but a suggestion she can to be modified bcs sometimes units don’t have a ZOC beyond a major river by hex possible ?
Or have function for supply line.
Thank you.

I’d be very interested to see a screen shot of what is being presented on your system,

Arial is not a monospaced font.

I’m not a fan of Courier either for programming type work, I’m trying something else…

In the meantime, please send me a screenshot of what font you have in the Beanshell edit box, I’m intrigued.

Could you please give the build VASSAL-3.7.0-beta5-3537766-Console from Builds of vassalengine/vassal a try and let me know what you think? (About the font in the Beanshell expression window).


In case of interest, this is what I see on Mac (MacOS Ventura, i.e. current) …



After looks more pleasing to my eye. The font appears to have less weight but apart from the zero (which looks more modern) and the inter-character spacing being slightly more readable, I don’t notice much difference (same font family ?). So one vote from this Mac user for the change.

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I generally prefer typefaces with serifs to those without. However, my biggest concern is distinguishing similarly looking characters. For example in some typefaces at least two of these: the lowercase “L”, the uppercase “I”, and the numeral “1”, look alike.


The actual font I am using is an open source font called Jet Brains Monospaced that is used in the Intellij IDE. The fact it is similar to what you have already is coincidence, you have a much better default monospaced font than I do.

My results on Windows below. The v3.7 monospaced (the ‘before’) can potentially be different on every different system, even with the same OS. It depends on what fonts are installed on the system.

For a laugh, I changed the default Swing font to the same JetBrains font. It actually looks really good!(You can see a little in the bottom panel) But this may blow anyones carefully crafted button sizing using the existing fonts

The Jet Brains Mono font has been specifically designed for maximum readability. It’s not a serif font, but it has sufficient differentiation in the shapes to make it very obvious:


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The top view–the font on Windows–is so hard to visually parse when it comes to parens and brackets in complicated expressions. The fixed width is immensely superior.


I don’t know if it’s possible but perhaps it would be nice if this improvement could be applied to extend the (what I assume are) universal font options for the Text Label.

Also, would any such additional font(s) be available to use in html font settings ?

I have found it tricky, as anyone else might imagine, to produce text that is both appealing and consistent across platforms.

To make a poor pun it seems a no-brainer. What is good enough to code in an IDE ought to work for Vassal module editing. As your example demonstrates.

Piffle on your fancy fonts… Back in the day our teletypewriters only had 1 font… Fond memories of those paper tapes… :stuck_out_tongue:

A somewhat more serious suggestion:
Consider leveraging existing Section 508 guidance. For instance the below linked document recommends Times New Roman, Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, and Calibri.

Personally, I’m a huge fan of Times New Roman.

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