This was passed up to me by Craig Besinque. He says that VASSAL freezes up and he can’t move pieces after the module has sat idle for a few hours. It seemed to be happening with a module I designed for him, but after some experimentation, it seems to be happening with other mods as well. He said he’s running iMac Mi 21.5 (serial C02HT0P4Q6X3), Ventura 13.4.1. 16 GB memory.
the chat bar is also locked up so I cannot use that method.
I looked for the error log under ~/Library/Application Support/VASSAL. There were lots of other subfolders there but nothing for VASSAL.
I found this under ~/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/DiagnosticMessageHistory,plist
occurring in the time period where the freeze-up occurred.
This particular freeze happened in the Conquest and Tragedy 3.0j module.
The map and units are frozen.
I can move the cards in my Card Hand window but it will not resize.
I can move the game module window but the map will not resize.
I cannot type or get a cursor in the chat bar.
I also use a Mac. May I just check how you are looking for the Vassal log? I can locate errorLog from the Go menu in Finder, using Go to Folder…
That gives me a popup, into which I pasted the path: ~/Library/Application Support/VASSAL
That displays Vassal folders and files and one of the first files shows is errorLog.
Please can you do that (again?) and paste back here a screenshot of that window, if you don’t see a file called errorLog?
Apart from this one symptom, the rest would be experienced if you had a popup window - perhaps in the background that is blocking Vassal. If so you’d need to move Vassal windows out of the way until you can find that Popup and dismiss it. I can’t think how that would be time related though, except…
I don’t think that system message is anything to do with Vassal directly but it does seem curious. Do you know if you might have some network management client software installed on your Mac? Something from these guys, perhaps?
Is it only the Vassal mod windows that are affected?
How do you normally recover from this situation?
Finally, C&T Version 3.0j doesn’t seem to be published. Which other mods does this happen with?
The problem here is that you’ve looked in: /Library/Application Support. The directions on the help page say to look in: ~/Library/Application Support/VASSAL, and the Library folder in your home directory is hidden. Your Finder settings are very unlikely to show it by default.
The tilde (~) character at the front is crucial. It substitutes for the path to your home folder.
Doesn’t look like it. Did you find an error log? If you did, open the log in a text editor, select all the text and copy it into a reply on here. Use the </> button on the entire log text to avoid losing any text.
This suggests that the +[CATransaction synchronize] called within transaction message comes from bug in MacOS which was fixed by 13.6. The version you’re running, 13.4.1, isn’t current. Maybe try upgrading.
Other things being equal, it’s best to troubleshoot with all of your software up-to-date, so that you’re not fighting bugs which have already been fixed.