Vesison 3.7.6: Wizard "Start new game offline" does not properly load saved games

Hello guys,
with version 3.7.6, if, in the “wizard” window, I select “Start new game offline” and then I pick a game in an extension (they are correctly presented in the list), I get the message “Unable to load saved game”. This issue was not there with version 3.7.5.

How to replicate: try it with my Band of Brother module and any extension.


Thanks Giulio,

We made a change to the way the startup wizard loads games to prevent it trying to load multiple games simultaneously. Looks like the fix did not take Extensions into account. I’ll look into it.


Hi Guilio,

I believe I have found the problem. Could you please try out the interim Vassal build VASSAL-3.7.7-SNAPSHOT-040617e-13021-Extension-wizard-load at Builds of vassalengine/vassal and see if it resolves your problem.

The issue will be resolved in version 3.7.7 which I expect will be out by the end of January.

By the way, you may, you may want to reduce the size of your splash image `about_screen.jpg’ which is larger than the average computer screen and is causing the About screen and the Wizard screen to be generated larger than a display and cannot be used properly. Just resize it to about 75% of the current size should do it.


Yes, I confirm the new snapshots works as expected. Thank you. Concerning the image. I’ll resize it and resubmit an updated version asap. Best, Giulio