VMOD upload issue

I’ve had this issue for over a year now. I thought it was because the module I was trying to load was near the maximum 300mb. However I’m trying to load a different module that is only 77mb or so and I have the same issue. I select the file, fill in a comment or two, press the upload button and it spins for as long as I’m willing to wait. No message, no upload.

file name this time is: The_Last_Gamble_DSE_V_1.2.vmod.

OK, the issue seems to have been my ability to give it a very long time to upload. This time I just let it run as long as it needed, over 30 min. I have 500mb upload, as well as download, so I’m not sure what the issue was.

I’m glad you eventually got the upload to work. The current system will be in use only for a few more weeks, so I’m not inclined to spend time troubleshooting the existing one.