X wing miniatures


I’m looking for someone to try X wing on Vassal. I played around with the module, but I’ll probably need some help to figure some stuff out.


If you haven’t found anybody yet, I’d be willing to give it a go too. Were you thinking of PBEM? My current work schedule is not very conducive of playing live right now.

Let me know. :slight_smile:


Hi Ryan,

I think I would prefer Live, but I’m not sure how PBEM works. :stuck_out_tongue:

Like I said, I’m pretty new to Vassal.


I can do live play but my freetime is a little limited. I would be available probably most Sunday evenings. I reside in Michigan so my time zone is Eastern.

However, this Sunday is no good as I already have plans. How about next Sunday?

Send me an email: cindel1976@outlook.com


I’m looking to learn Vassal and play some X-wing too. My schedule is a little off with my kids, so I have to pick and choose my times. Email: riceshack@gmail.com