A few questions I didn't see answered anywhere


I started using VASSAL a few months ago and have played around with making my own modules as soon as I downloaded it. I think I’m comfortable enough to get started on a serious effort now, but I have a few questions first. They probably have obvious answers, but I have to ask anyway. :smiley:

First, a question about the server. If I wanted to test a module over the server with some other players, do I need to do more than just give the others a copy of the module? Or do I need to submit the module to the website, to essentially “activate” all the server functions? I would guess that merely having copies of the module is good enough, but I’d like to make sure.

Second, compatibility. This is minor: one of my friends, and presumably the main tester, can’t upgrade to 3.0 because it requires a version of Java that Mac OS X version 10.3 can’t support. Could modules designed in 3.0 run in 2.9? If so, what are the limitations? Should I just tell my friend to upgrade already? :smiley:

Third, about licensing. I’ve always thought that people who want to make computer versions of commercially available games would need to license the game (or at least get permission from all parties), and maybe pay some royalty fees. That seems obvious. But the whole VASSAL project seems very informal, allowing and encouraging anyone to make their own module. That leads me to think that people just make the modules and wait for someone to complain before the site takes them down. I’ve read that Puerto Rico suffered that fate (here or elsewhere, I can’t remember). I’m guessing that courtesy is the rule of the day, but I don’t know enough about copyright laws and what other people do around here.

Thus spake “erikko”:

The server just brokers the connections among the players, it doesn’t need
(or even have local copies of) any of the modules being played over it.

Whether a module designed under 3.0 will be usable with 2.9 depends on
what components are in the module. Modules which use the TurnTracker in
3.0 definitely won’t work with 2.9. If you have no custom code and don’t
use the TurnTracker, there’s a good chance that your module will work with
2.9, but no guarantees.


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Thank you. I expected these answers, but I just wanted to make sure. As for the third question, I think I found a satisfactory answer here: vassalengine.org/wiki/doku.p … _licensing
which again is common sense.

Thus spake “erikko”:

I should mention that this particular bit of text is directed at the USA,
and is not legal advice. Also, the law is likely completely different
elsewhere, so your mileage may vary.


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I wouldn’t put anything up anywhere unless I had the blessing of all the people involved, with or without laws. I imagine that’s what happens here, particularly for modules that contain all the original art and text. Thanks again.