Action Button not firing

I’ve discovered after some investigation that Java’s drag threshold has no effect on registering clicks, to my surprise.

Try VASSAL-3.5.1-SNAPSHOT-action_button-39fc65cd7:

Does this behave like you expect it should?

This snapshot appears to register a click on an action button as long as the cursor is still somewhere over the button when you release the mouse button. Definitely an improvement over the old behavior! My only (minor) quibble is that it starts drawing a selection box immediately, but I’m not sure that’s worth the effort of trying to avoid (assuming it’s even possible).

I don’t suppose it’s possible to add an automatic property to pieces with action buttons that reflects the button’s armed state? That way we could use a layer to visually change the appearance of the button when it’s armed, and they would really look like standard GUI buttons!

That would be sooo nice. Giving user feedback that an action button has been pressed is very helpful when the action itself takes more a than a second or two. At the moment I use sound but it is not ideal.

Comparing the OP’s idea with actual standard GUI buttons, another nice feature would be a check box on the Action Button trait that made the action button area go darker (a transport dark grey overlay?) when the button is armed. This would have the side-benefit of providing a simple way to check that the button area is accurately defined.

Great! Thanks! It’s exactly what I need. (Tried only win64 version)

Has this bug been fixed?

Yes, it’s been fixed since 3.5.1.

I play a lot of ASL via VASL, so as soon as VASL is sanctioned as 3.4 compatible I am there!

VASL 6.6.1, which is compatible with VASSAL 3.4, has been out since October 2020.