How do you create a predefined scenario that will ask the player to select the map or maps to be used? Then once selected, and the game is saved, makes it so the player cannot change the map in fact so that it does not ask the player for the map selection again?
Is this even possible?
As I understand it, a predefined scenario is a map with counters already placed on the map. In that case, you’ll select the map when you select the pre-defined scenario, and once saved, you’ll not be asked to select it again.
OK, thanks I appreciate the responce.
I believe that if you have a multi-map module that does not have a default map setup, and you start and save a game without selecting maps, then each time you open that save game, it will ask you to complete the Map setup, until you actually select the maps.
So, using that save game (no maps selected) as a PDS would cause the Map selection dialog to open when selecting that PDS.
Not quite sure what the advantages of this would be over just having a Pre-defined setup with no file specified that essentially does the same thing, starting a fresh game from scratch, including selecting maps.
Is there a way, if you have already created a Predefined Scenario with a Map selected, to change the Map currently selected? I know what I should have done is create a base scenario without a map selected so I can use that base to create other scenarios but I didn’t. That base scenario has all of the force pools fully populated which takes some time.
Or is the a way to remove the map selected from the Predefined Scenario?
Allowing to add maps would be great as well. Sometimes, after you create a Predefined Scenario, you might create an additional apt to add to the scenario. Having an option to do so would be great.
Not that I know of.