Area of Effect

Everyone likes the new maps, feels more up to date, I will go with your recommendations.
Bill posted to get Emails from anyone who wishes to check out mod versions of TLD from the dropbox.
Steve and I have discovered that the stacking problem is indeed with the new mod 83e. We have recreated the error on 3.6.0b7, sorry this is now something I am at a loss to fix.
The hill top marker over a unit on a hill is also in evidence.
ugh, what a birthday…

.vsav (which is really a ZIP archive) is not one of the file types the forum permits for upload by default, and we haven’t changed the default.

Saved games aren’t much use without their module, so permitting saved game upload here in the forum wouldn’t be all that useful without also permitting module upload here as well. We’re on the hook for providing storage indefinitely for anything uploaded in the forum, but test modules are of temporary usefulness and modules can be large. Since we pay for storage and there are several free upload services suitable for files needed only temporarily, it makes sense to use those instead of uploading such files here.

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I just found game piece layers in edit mode and there were no markers listed just units and combat units, Could this be the issue?

I am going to rebuild the TLD from the ground up in 3.6.0b7. I have come to the conclusion that there is too much Garbage in the module to continue to work with something that was begun in 3.2.17. Not to worry J. the counter editing is all complete and looks very clean as far as code goes, I never really needed to add any in the image xml, some counters were missing code which was easy to copy and paste from another counter.
Thank you everyone for your input and attention, you all have been great. If I need anything I will post in the forums under a new title.


So you hand-edited them individually, then? Is that correct?

Used a notepad to pull the xml for individual images and then mostly edited values, changed colors, some counters needed a line of code that was missing, not really a complex thing…Once I figured out how to edit the code, working with the counters was a pleasure.

I can say I have no Game piece layers defined, I did know it needed to be done. This issue has appeared in 3.6.0 with a brand new module of TLD I am building at this time.
If you can point me to a wiki on this I will read through it. However I have posted a question on creating a trigger action based on Hex numbers that will display an AOE of 1 when the hex numbers are occupied by a combat unit as defined in Game piece definitions. that would solve this issue.

He had Heart issues, says Bill. We have assumed he passed.

The link to the Game Piece Layers documentation was in a @marktb1961 post earlier in the thread.

The game module has 3 types defined, I will look into it later, thanks

In the module you linked via Dropbox a week ago, I see 2 game piece layers defined in the Normandy map: Units and CombatMarkers. It is set to look for a property in pieces called MapLayers to decide what game piece layer to assign.

I looked through all the prototypes that your unit counters are using, and can find no evidence that any of them use a property anywhere called MapLayers, and neither do your hill markers. Therefore my conclusion is the same as @marktb1961–none of these pieces belong to an existing game piece layer, so their drawing order relative to each other is completely unpredictable.

To fix the situation you’ll have to add a Marker trait or a Dynamic Property to these classes of pieces in their prototypes that will create the needed property MapLayers with the value you want (either Units or CombatMarkers)–or create yet another value in your game piece layers if it’s not desirable for hills marker to stack with units, setting them to draw above/below units according to your preference.

Thank you for taking a look.
I was 90% sure that was the case.
I would prefer to to make something that triggers an AOE in specific hex numbers, like a combat unit entering hex 2345 triggers a 1 ring AOE (ZOC) and when a combat unit leaves the hex the Trigger would shut the 1 range AOE off.
Then I do not need a marker on the board

Maplayers have been added and markers created in appropriate Prototype definitions to cascade into all appropriate units, I am about 70% finished with a complete rebuild of TLD. Everything is looking very good at this point.
Thank you Mark for the assist on the Maplayers.
And the AOE for three hex ZOC has been resolved I created 3 separate 1 hex images and offset them in the layer dialog on their x,y co-ordinates and use the same Key Command to toggle the zoc on and off.

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