Area of Effect

BTW, for everyone’s sake, I have been working on the TLD module since '17, Bill Thomson came in 2 years ago and we have been working on it together since last qtr '19.
Joel, Brent, Wise and Thomson were the original team that built TLD. I could really use a good map guy to polish up the Batiste maps and downsize them, the module has reached 39mb and I have been cleaning house to keep the size down, still it has grown in size.


Where can I post the sav file, please?


Usually people put things like that in a dropbox or google drive and post a link to us.

I have messaged him that you have not received any of his inquiries.


give me a min or 2 and I will post here

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The file you are trying to upload is not authorized…Processing: 11-23-21.vsav…

Discord invite.
look in the general text channel for a copy of the last vsav.
Thank you.


If you don’t have Google Drive, Dropbox, or any of the other widely-used cloud storage services, there are umpteen free temporary file hosting websites you could use as an alternative.

Apologies for the snappy tone, but I think it hurt Bill a bit that he has been able to get in touch with Brent and you.

Why can’t I post a vsav file here for you guys?
is it a security risk?

Now if you will excuse me, I am going to pick up my Bday cake, and a large order of chinese food for our dinner.
Thank you for helping me with the issues I am having with TLD, I will edever to figure out how to allow you guys to get to the dropbox we are using to keep mod versions and I will upload a copy of the vsav file of the last game for you in about an hour.

Thanks again. Scott

That’s not large at all for a module, especially for a game the size of TLD. I’d say it’s on the low end for module size, in fact.

Using TLD-v0.8b082c-07-17-21.vmod as an example: The largest image by file size is Map_Full.png. It’s 2.1MB and is more than 5k pixels on a side. It’s unlikely you could maintain those dimensions, reduce the file size, and maintain image quality all at once. You have a few JPEGs which would be smaller if they were despeckled and converted to PNGs. Otherwise, I don’t see a massive opportunity for reducing the size of the module.

If you’re worried about the size of the module, you might check if there are any unused images: From the Editor, look on the Tools menu for Remove Unused Images, but be sure to have a backup copy of the module before you do this.

That said, if you’re under 50MB before you remove unused images, I wouldn’t worry about it.

Joel and Brent have been posting here and on Consimworld for years. They are not hard to find or to establish contact with! I don’t know what all the other fellow has attempted, but I seriously, seriously doubt he’s being avoided on purpose.

is your original maps
83a and up are new maps

Bill Thomson is heavily involved in the ASL mod thing, and runs war game academy.
I do not know why he has had trouble contacting either one,and we would really like to know what happened to Wise?

I sent Jeff Wise an email in 2015; I’m not sure when the previous time I heard from him was. Sorry I can’t help on that point.

Your new map is a lot less compressible, but still isn’t particularly large in file size for an image that’s more than 5k pixels on a side, so my comments about the earlier version still apply.

link to dropbox for game saves

just checked on vassal 3.6.0 beta7 stacking issue is happening with counters that have not moved and if another counter is placed on top it creats a tight stack, you can only see the top unit when hovering your mouse over the stack, if you move both counters to a non start hex they will stack correctly.see image

TLD module versions