I’m new at this and not knowledgeable about computer language so any help would be very much appreciated.
I’m trying to set up a zone on my map where Movement Trails will not be in effect. I want them on the rest of the map, but not in this zone. Specifically, I’m making an Afrika Korps module where the Turn Record Track is part of the mapboard. The units on the Turn Record Track are placed according to the turn they enter the game and I don’t need to have their movements recorded, reported or their Movement Trails enabled while they are on the TRT.
I created the main map as a multi-zoned grid with a separate zone for the hex field–the playable surface–and a separate zone for the TRT.
I have created a Menu button for the map that turns OFF all Movement Trails for all pieces on the mapboard. (And I’ve created one that turns all Movement Trails ON for all pieces on the mapboard.) But I don’t know how to set up the TRT Zone so it is independent of these buttons.
Is there a way to do that?
I also thought that it might be possible to have a property assigned to a “counter” prototype that turns off Movement Trails when the counter is on the TRT. But again, I don’t know how to do that or know if it’s even possible.
Map traits are just that Map traits. you cannot split them.
That said.
You can have a button that turns off movement trails for all counters currently in the TRT Zone.
And a button that turns ON movement Tails for all units NOT in the TRT Zone.
I suspected that I couldn’t have a zone independent from the main map properties; thank you for confirming that.
What you propose is exactly what I want to do but I don’t know how to do it.
From your pictures I’m assuming that I’m going to replace your Soviet 7-7-4 with my “Counter” prototype, and give it the Global Key Command property with the expression that you wrote out. That much I can follow, and did. The result was that Ctrl+G did shut down Movement Trails on the TRT Zone (I don’t know why.) but Ctrl+K did nothing.
Not being familiar with VASSAL’s Key Commands, I have to ask how Ctrl+G knew to look for the matching expression “Current Zone=TRT” and then turn off Movement Trails? Is that a specific command like Ctrl+D will delete a piece? I just don’t know.
At first I thought that the Ctrl+G and Ctrl+K were in your picture only because that’s how the Global Key Command property comes up. I didn’t expect Ctrl+G to do anything and was surprised when it did exactly what I wanted it to do. So was Ctrl+K supposed to do the same? The opposite? Ctrl+K did nothing.
Is there a Key Command that will cover the second half of what I want to do: Turn ON the Movement Trails only on the pieces NOT on the TRT? Your reply said it can be done and I believe you; just, I don’t know how to go about it.
I’m sorry if these questions are annoying. It’s my ignorance showing. I may not have the knowledge to even understand an explanation. I do appreciate your help Jardic. Thank you.
In the example the Ctrl-G sent the Ctrl-K
If you just entered the Ctrl-K with the keyboard, vassal did not know it was a global command. it would only send it to the currently selected unit.
Instead of CurrentZone==“TRT”
use “!=” does not equal {CurrentZone != “TRT”}
If you use Discord I usually hang out there. we can chat and its easier to pose examples or I can share a screen
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Also usually when I use a global hot Key or a Global Command Key some other piece usually triggers it.
Or in the case of this picture a “toolbar Menu” option triggers the sequence.
Since this game has multiple players there are 10 options to select from. All duplicates except the player the card is going to.
Also if you have seen a feature like what you want in another module. Download that one and open it in the editor to see how they did it. I still do that a lot!