Disabling Auto Snap to Grid

I have an adventure game in development where there is a basic square grid for the playing field.

I want ALL objects to snap to the grid save for ONE particular item (a barricade/wall token). Is there a way to set the specific properties of this item to prevent it from “auto-aligning” to the center of a square? I want it to hug the line between two squares…


Figured it out.

In the DO NOT STACK options there is a check box to IGNORE GRID.

Simply put, overlooked :slight_smile:

I have a question along these lines, too. :slight_smile:

Is there a way to have certain pieces (or cards, in my case) snap to grid within the player’s hand window, but not on the playing area?

You should use the “Player Hand” option for a player’s hand rather than a regular map window or private map window. If you set a region point in a player hand window for the location of the first card, all following cards dealt to the hand will shift over and end up side by side. If a card is removed, the cards will shift back to cover the slot and the next card dealt to the hand will appear at the end.

Thanks for the advice, DN!

I should say I am using a Player Hand, and I do still have a problem, though. When drawing multiple cards to the hand (a max of five are allowed, in my game), any cards that have the Does Not Stack trait always appear under the cards that do not. So if you draw five cards at once, if four of them don’t stack, then it will look to the player like he’s only drawn one card.

To combat this, I’m thinking of disallowing multiple card draws, and having the player simply draw them one-by-one. Most of the cards drop neatly into their clearly labelled spots in the hand, because they all have Snap To Grid. However, the ones that don’t have Snap To Grid just fall wherever they’re dropped in the hand, which is sort of messy and unattractive.

I would by no means call this a ‘major issue’ for my game, but if you happen to have a quick-fix, I’m all ears! :smiley:

Use action buttons to draw (and limit) the number of cards to the player
hand. Place the draw deck on a hidden map to prevent player abuse and make
the players rely on the action buttons.

The discard pile (if needed) should still be player accessible somewhere
else. If the draw pile ever empties out and needs to be replenished - have
it send (play) a sound which will cue the players to right click and send
the accessible discard pile back to the draw pile (auto shuffles at same

-----Original Message-----
From: messages-bounces@vassalengine.org
[mailto:messages-bounces@vassalengine.org] On Behalf Of ijthompson
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 11:42 AM
To: messages@vassalengine.org
Subject: [messages] [Module Design] Re: Disabling Auto Snap to Grid

Thanks for the advice, DN!

I should say I am using a Player Hand, and I do still have a problem,
though. When drawing multiple cards to the hand (a max of five are
allowed, in my game), any cards that have the Does Not Stack trait
always appear under the cards that do not. So if you draw five cards
at once, if four of them don’t stack, then it will look to the player
like he’s only drawn one card.

To combat this, I’m thinking of disallowing multiple card draws, and
having the player simply draw them one-by-one. Most of the cards drop
neatly into their clearly labelled spots in the hand, because they all
have Snap To Grid. However, the ones that don’t have Snap To Grid just
fall wherever they’re dropped in the hand, which is sort of messy and

I would by no means call this a ‘major issue’ for my game, but if you
happen to have a quick-fix, I’m all ears! :smiley:

Read this topic online here:

Interesting stuff, Tim!

Doesn’t… really address my questions, though. Any help on those?