Global Hotkey passing PieceName?

I have a module with a dedicated Attack roll button–it’s just a dice roller button that messages “$PlayerName$ rolls an Attack. Result: $result$.” when clicked.

Players can also trigger the Attack button with a Global Hotkey on a Piece. The Global Hotkey will still return, for example, “Bill rolls an attack. Result: 7.” This is accurate and will serve, but it’s not quite what I’d like to do.

What I’d like it to do, is when the player triggers the Global Hotkey on the piece, include the name of the piece in the message, that is: “Bill rolls an attack with a Battleship. Result: 7.” Then there’s no doubt which piece is actually making the attack.

So for the message, I was assuming I’d be able to use something like “$playername$ rolls an attack with $PieceName$. Result: $result$”

Thing is, $PieceName$ and $BasicName$ don’t show up in the message. They’re both blank, so you get “Bill rolls an attack with. Result: 7.” Neither of these piece properties appears to be passed by the Global Hotkey trait.

Is there another property I should use instead that can be passed along? Or is this just not the way to accomplish what I’m trying to do?

Exactly which component is generating the message?

I don’t understand what you mean by a property being ‘passed’ by the Global Hotkey trait. No trait ‘passes’ any property to anything else unless you specifically do it via Global properties.


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The component generating the message is the die roller (Attack) button.

What I’d like it to do is include the name of the piece the player triggered the GH, on in the message returned by the die roller button.

You will need to use a Trigger and set the name of the piece into a Global Property (say called DieTarget) using a Set Global Property trait prior to issuing the Global Hotkey. You can set the Global property to $PieceName$, so the Trigger can be in a prototype. Then, your die roller reports

Attack die rolled by $DieTarget$


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That worked great, Brent! Thanks!

I want to do the exact same thing, but can’t get it to work.

My prototype have three traits for this.
Trigger, listens for CTRL-6 and performs CTRL-P and ALT-6

The CTRL-P triggers a “Set global property”: Set value directly, selectedUnit=$PieceName$
Also, there is a global property on the module level called selectedUnit.

The ALT-6 triggers a “Global hotkey” that performs a SHIFT-6.

My dice button listens for SHIFT-6 and the report includes $selectedUnit$.

He… now that I tried it again, it worked. Maybe I had to close and start a new game?

Yeah, many changes in the editor can be tested as you make them but others need a restart. I would imagine fooling with Global Properties would require a restart in most cases as these are normally initiated on start (if Vassal works like other programming code I’ve worked with).

I’ve gotten into the habit of always restarting before testing as I had problems in the past that actually didn’t exist.

This is not working for me. I’ve got a prototype called Chit with these traits:


and a GKC that reports:
$PlayerName$ drew $ChitName$
but the $ChitName$ displays as blank.

In your second graphic, that Trigger Action will not function without at least one of the following two items set:

  • Key command
  • Also watch for these Key Commands

Thanks, @JoelCFC25. I added a key command for “Sendtogrid” which is the GKC to draw a chit. However, the report is 1 chit behind. I.e. the first chit is reported as blank, the second chit drawn says it’s the first one, and so on.

A GKC reports in advance of the action, as you have found. To report the chit drawn, add a Report Action after the GKC.

Thanks, Mark. I had no idea displaying the name of a counter would be so complicated! LOL
Here is what the prototype looks like to draw a chit and report which chit was drawn:
I also had to make sure the map setting for “Auto-report format for units modified on this map” was set to $message$

What I did for ‘Air & Armor - Wurzburg’ is to create a Die counter. players move it to target hex and select the type of dice roll they want. Mostly for PBEM players to save typing.

1 Like
  • Suppose you have a Dice Button (or Symbolic Dice Button) that listens for the key command rollDice (or perhaps a hotkey like Alt-6) and has a name like Dice
    • Note that if the name is a not a valid Java identifier - e.g., starts with a number as in 1d6, then you will need to use GetProperty below.
  1. Create a Prototype - say Dice roller prototype

Depending on whether you need to store the die roll value or not do one of the below.

  1. If you do not need to store the die roll, then
    • Add Global Hotkey trait to the Dice roller prototype
      • Global Hotkey set to rollDice (or Alt-6)
      • Set the Key Command to something like rollDice
      • Give it a meaningful description e.g., “Roll the dice
    • Add a Calculated Property trait
      • Set the name to say DiceRoll
      • Set the expression to {Dice_result}
        • If your Dice Button (or Symbolic Dice Button) name is not a valid Java identifier e.g., starts with a number like in 1d6, then the expression should use GetProperty as in {GetProperty("1d6_result")}.
  2. If you do need to store the die roll value, then
    • Add Global Hotkey trait to the Dice roller prototype
      • Global Hotkey set to rollDice (or Alt-6)
      • Set the Key Command to something like rollDiceTrampoline
      • Give it a meaningful description e.g., “Trampoline to global die roll
    • Add a Dynamic Property trait
      • Set Property Name to DiceRoll
      • Set Key commands to
        • Key command: storeDiceRoll
        • Type: Set value directly
        • Prompt: {Dice_result} (or f.ex. {GetProperty("1d6_result")}
    • Add a Trigger Action trait to the prototype
      • Key command: rollDice
      • Perform these keys: rollDiceTrampoline, storeDiceRoll

You can now use your Die Roller prototype in any piece (or prototype) that should be able to roll the dice. You could have, for example, a piece with

  • A Trigger Action trait with
    • Menu Command: Roll dice
    • Key Command: For example Ctrl-6
    • Perform these keys: rollDice
  • A Report Action trait with
    • Report on these keys: Ctrl-6
    • Report format: Something like {"!"+BasicName+" rolled "+DiceRoll}

You can of course make more complicated actions take place according to the die roll and what the initiating command was. I use, for example, a similar approach in most of the modules I made to do automatised battle resolutions. That is, an Odds marker can roll a die, and based on the die roll, the combat resolution is automatically resolved.

From Battle for Moscow ch-1.*; Combat 5 at odds 3:1 is resolved to EX

From First Blood: Combat 1 at odds 1:2 with a -1 Die Roll Modifier (DRM) is resolved to A1 on a die roll of 6.

Note that the Dice Roller prototype can also be used as a basis for other prototypes - e.g., Morale Checker prototype, or similar.

The point is to keep the code in one place and not copy it it to many pieces making it harder to maintain.
