Global Property Problem

Hi all,

OK, this one is weird and has be befuddled.

I have a map window. On this map are 2 At-Start-Stacks. One has a lot of traits the other is just for displaying the value of a global property on the board (using a text label).

So, both stacks refer to this global property (we’ll call it PRODUCTION).

The stack with a lot of traits wasn’t working, so I copied the text label from the other and added it to the first so I could watch the value of PRODUCTION.

OK…so now I have a map window with 2 at-start-stacks, each with the identical text label. Each text label is $PRODUCTION$ as I just want the number displayed.

One of the stacks displays the numeric value of the global property, the other displays PRODUCTION (the word).

What am I doing wrong here?


Hi Dave,

Can you post a link to your module so I can have a closer look?


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The module can be found here :

On the private window titled “Blue Civilization” you will see several at-start-stacks. The two I’m having problems with (for now) are the Warriors stack, and the CurrentProduction stack.

Both have a text label for the ‘BlueProduction’ global variable, yet only the CurrentProduction stack actually reports the value.

If you want to change the value, right-click on the bronze mine and then add and spend a resource. You should see the BlueProduction global variable increase.

Thanks for looking. Let me know if you have any questions.


Hi Dave,

I can see the problem using 3.0.17, so I tried it using the soon to be released 3.1.0 beta and it worked perfectly. Looks like a bug that has already been fixed.


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On 6/03/2008 at 6:12 PM Neumannium wrote:

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Thank you, Brent!

Any ETA on when that might be released?
