Has there been any updates on how to draw bottom card of deck in 3.7.6?

This was the last post Oct 21’ that I could find on the topic.
Note that this “off by 1” bug was fixed in a recent version (3.5.x, I believe), so now the correct check would be {DeckPosition == ExampleDeck_numPieces} , and any modules using this work-around are probably now broken. :frowning:

Does anyone have a module with an example of Draw from Bottom deck or an example picture of how this is done?

There was a bugfix related to drawing from the bottom in the 3.5.8 to approximately 3.6.1 timeframe, but no problems with it since then that I recall. Here’s a May 2022 thread showing how to do it–there are multiple topics in the thread, but you should be able to spot the relevant posts.

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Thanks Joel, I will check it out.

Used this expression for the Deck GKC
{DeckPosition == Scroll_numPieces}
Along with a Send to Location and it worked perfect.
Thanks again for your fast response and help. :grinning: