Help Convert Module Pages to the New Module Library

There are essentially 5 “projects” (see old and new)

  • 2nd Edition by Brian Mason et al,D-Day-v202.vmod, and D-Day.vmod
  • 2nd Edition by Gordon Cerow DDayVolkssturm.vmod
  • 3rd Edition by Tommy Crispin D-DAY-77-1.1.vmod`
  • 3rd Edition by Christian Holm Christensen with two packages
    • Colourful DDay-1.0-ch.vmod
    • Ol’School DDay-1.0-ch-oldschool.vmod
  • 3rd Edition by Frank Jordan D-Day-v3.0a.vmod

Note that BGG lists D-Day ('61, '66a, and '66b) and D-Day 3rd edition ('77) as two different games. Given the changes between the '66b and '77 editions of the game, that is quite reasonable.

The conversion has only recognised 4 “packages” and mis-categorised some module files: D-Day.vmod is gone, and DDay-1.0-ch-oldschool.vmod is wrongly taken to be an older version of DDay-1.0-ch.vmod.

There’s one project with two packages (see old and new)

  • DDaySmithsonian43 versions 1.0 and 2.0
  • DDaySmithsonian44 versions 1.0 and 2.0

The conversion wrongly identifies one package with latest version being 44 and older versions 43 and 2.0.0

Perhaps, instead of relying on parsing the module filenames to obtain the version, the conversion scripts could query the actual .vmod files and extract the version number of buildFile.xml. Of course, that would mean to download every single .vmod of the library which can be quote heavy, but I think it would lead to fewer mis-identifications.


I see you’ve put this comment on a lot module pages. Could you explain what you mean? For example, you’ve put that comment on Dead of Winter which only has one package with multiple revisions (see old and new), which the conversion seems to capture correctly.

The module Dien Bien Phu: The Final Gamble (old and new) in principle has four projects with one package each

  • English edition by Peter Bennet with version numbers 1.0, 1.1
  • English edition by Don Stone with version numbers 1.2, 1.3
  • 2nd edition by Jeff Coyle with version number 1.00
  • 2nd edition by Jim Pyle with version numbers 1.10,1.20

The conversion has 7 packages each with a single version, which is not right, but in the current conversion scheme it is to be expected.


It’s a good suggestion, but we’re already doing it. It’s surprising how many modules have an empty version field or have something which isn’t parsable in that field.

My understanding is a Package contains different versions of the same module. If there exist other modules based on the same game they each get their own Package.

I can see several of the entries I marked “Too many Packages” have only one Package. I don’t think I could have made that many obvious errors but perhaps I’m going mad.

Or maybe some updates have already been done. When I was checking entries I noticed that the Package names were all based on the initial characters of the module filenames. But this no longer seems to be the case.

Anyhow, please accept my apologies for any errors. I hope the rest of the information can be useful.

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This did change. When there’s a single package, the name defaults to “Module” since sometime yesterday.


Global comments
· UIDS in old library are “mailto:” but in new take to Vassal User profile. I see value in both approaches, perhaps a toggle? In most cases, I would expect users to want to simply send email regarding either bugs/enhancements (to maintainer) or to other players (new game). Only occasionally, would I expect users to want to go to a players profile (e.g., find out what kinds of games a player likes - see next comment)
· It would be useful to have a player’s profile list what games they are maintainer and player (info currently in module pages). This would allow one to (for instance) suggest to a gaming buddy another game they both like.
· when there are multiple FILES in a page, suggest display only newest (like for Modules) and have an expandable for “Older files” (like for Modules)
· I’m unclear on why we have both “Projects” and “Packages”. a) Is Project a parent of Packages? b) Can a single module page have multiple Projects?
· Contributors appears to have not been migrated from old to new
· Note Vassal 3.x allows module versioning not constrained to X.Y.Z format; thus mismatches are ocurring between module version in the new libary.
· Is “owner” synonymous with author? maintainer? Do only “owners” have edit rights to page?
· The previous library made it easy to put a module and associated files together, while the new structure seperates them and breaks that linkage… (Consider if old way was better…)
· Contributors (old library) are sometimes listed as authors in new library
Module:Eagles of the Empire: Spanish Eagles - wrong module author
Module:Earth Reborn - missing in new library (no files in old library - copywrite issue)
Module:Eastern Front Solitaire - wrong package version; zip file may be duplicative (examine/delete). User handle is extremely poor (one letter, suggest vassal rules mandate minimum handle length and suggest users below limit choose new handle). wrong module author.
Module:Eastern Front Tank Leader - missing compatibility (should be 3.1.19) for latest version (info missing in old and new library - opened module to detect)
Module:EastFront: The War in Russia, 1941-45 - missing compatibility (should be 3.6.11) (info missing in old and new library - opened module to detect)
Module:Ebb & Flow: The Final Communist Offensive in Korea, 22 April-10 June 1951 - suggest reduce cover image size; missing player
Module:Eclipse - several packages (should be one?)
Module:Edelweiss: The Struggle in the Caucasus July - November 1942 - no issue
Module:Eighth Air Force - missing in new library (old library page was a pointer)
Module:Ekö - incorrect module version #; old 1.02 new 1.2.0
Module:El Alamein of Somnium - no issue
Module:El Alamein: Battles in North Africa, 1942 - no issues; comment why change log comment if only 1 module?
Module:El Grande - no issues
Module:Elder Sign - files missing versions
Module:Eldritch Horror - wrong (?) author for last 2 releases
Module:Element:Silver - no issues
Module:Elemental Clash - files missing version; module missing version
Module:Elfball - Formatting change in Readme
Module:Elo Darkness - missing player
Module:Elric: Battle at the End of Time - no issues
Module:Elusive Victory - module authors for older releases wrong
Module:Embrace An Angry Wind - no issues
Module:Eminent Domain - missing in new library; old is placeholder with no files/modules
Module:Emperor of China - missing module version #; missing player
Module:Empire at Sunrise - no issues
Module:Empire of the Rising Sun - no issues
Module:Empire of the Sun - no issues
Module:Empires & Alliances - no issues
Module:Empires in Arms - files missing version #s; module version 1.0.0 wrong author
Module:Empires of the Middle Ages - no issues
Module:Empires of the void - old version # 1.02; new version # 1.2.0
Module:Empires: Rise and Fall - missing file/module version #; missing module/file (Cards.vmod)
Module:En Busca Del Imperio Cobra - wrong module version - old 1.0; new 0.1.0
Module:En Garde - wrong module version - old 1.04; new 1.4.0
Module:En Pointe Toujours! - some files missing version #
Module:End of Empire: 1744-1782 - v1.3.0 wrong author
Module:End of the Iron Dream - file/module missing version #s; wrong author
Module:Endangered - no issues
Module:Enemy Action: Kharkov - no issues
Module:Enemy Action:Ardennes - missing module version #
Module:Enemy at the Gates - module v1.4 wrong author
Module:Enemy Coast Ahead: The Dambuster Raid - no issues
Module:Enemy Coast Ahead: The Doolittle Raid - wrong owner; wrong authors; missing version # (1.0)
Module:Enigma Machine I - wrong version # old 1.5; new 1.0.0
Module:EOKA - no issues
Module:Epaminondas - files missing version #
Module:Epic - no issues
Module:Epic (Unpublished) - wrong module author
Module:Epic of the Peloponnesian War - no issues
Module:Epées et croisades - missing 2 modules (seperate package)
Module:Epées et Hallebardes 1315-1476 - missing mulitple modules (seperate packages)
Module:Epées Normandes - missing mulitple modules (seperate packages)
Module:Epées Royales - wrong module author
Module:Epées souveraines : Bouvines 1214 - Worringen 1288 - missing mulitple modules (seperate packages)
Module:Equatorial Clash - wrong owner (?); wrong author (?)
Module:Eriantys - no issues
Module:Escape from Altassar - no issues
Module:Escape From Colditz - owner/author disconnect (Despo vs. Despotar); file/module missing version #s
Module:Escape from Hades - no issues
Module:España 1936 - disconnect between owner and author(s)
Module:Espinosa - wrong module author
Module:EuroFront II - wrong module authors
Module:Europa Austria 38 - no issues
Module:Europa Czech 38 - no issues
Module:Europe Engulfed - several missing modules; missing version #
Module:Europe in Turmoil II: The Interbellum Years 1920-1939 - no issues
Module:Europe in Turmoil: Prelude to the Great War - some modules have wrong author
Module:Eurydice & Orpheus - no migration issue; game missing key information (contact author)
Module:Euthia: Torment of Resurrection - no issues
Module:Everything vs. Everything - version mismatch old 1.0; new 0.9.0
Module:Exago - no issues
Module:Excalibur - no issues
Module:Excalibur (NAC) - files missing version #
Module:Executive Decision - version mismatch old 2.0; new 0.2.0
Module:Exile Sun - owner vs. author mismatch; missing file version #s
Module:Explorers & Exploiters - owner vs author mismatch
Module:Explorers of the Lost World - no issues
Module:Eylau 1807 - wrong author

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Apologies for not finishing my set of modules yet. Unfortunately, I managed to lock myself out of my laptop when I upgraded Kubuntu from 22.04 LTS to 24.04.01 LTS, which meant I spent a day getting my desktop working again, and now need to figure out how to get back into my laptop before I absolutely need it on Wednesday! Hopefully I can finish off my portion of the "T"s by the end of this week…

Together with my earlier “The B” this makes out the entire “The” (including “Theseus”). I think somebody else has started on “T” up to “The”, so I’ll continue with “T” after “The”.

The 6 Days of Glory
The 7th Continent
v0.05 is now 0.5.0. Probably does not matter.
The African Campaign
The African Campaign: Designer Signature Edition
v1.1 and 1.5 (the latest) are missing.
The Air-Eaters Strike Back!
v1.01 is now 1.1. Probably does not matter.
The Alamo
The Alamo: Victory in Death
v1.13 is called 0.0.0, and 1.14 is called 114.
The American Civil War
BGG link is leading to wrong game (but this error is also in the old entry).
The American Revolution: Decision in North America
The Arab-Israeli Wars
v2.0 (the latest) is called 0.0.0 and is placed at the bottom.
The Ardennes Offensive: The Battle of the Bulge, December 1944
v1.0 is called 0.0, and 1.01, 1.04, 1.05 are called 1.1.0, 1.4.0, 1.5.0 respectively.
The Arduous Beginning
The Ark of the Covenant
The Army of the Heartland: The Army of Tennessee’s Campaigns, 1861-1863
The Art of Siege
The Awful Green Things From Outer Space

The Campaign for North Africa: The Desert War 1940-43
The Campaigns of King David
Topic is lost
The Campaigns of Robert E. Lee
The Castles of Burgundy: The Card Game
The Caucasus Campaign: The Russo-German War in the Caucasus, 1942
Despite consistent naming, the module versions have been broken up into two packages
The China War: Sino-Soviet Conflict in the 1980s
The City of Kings
The Civil War
Naming of packages lost, probably because of unconventional naming scheme.
The Company War
The Conquerors: Alexander the Great
No modules, not even in the old entry. GMT link under Readme also broken. Should perhaps be deleted.
The Conquistadors: The Spanish Conquest of the Americas 1518-1548
The owner seems not to be identical to the old maintainer.
The Cost
The Creature That Ate Sheboygan
Modules below other files, but otherwise OK.
The Crusades: Western Invasions of the Holy Land
The d6 Shooters
The Damned Die Hard: Philippines '41
Version 0.10 is erroneously named 0.20 (and should be listed as older version)
The Dark Sands
The Dark Summer: Normandy 1944
Version numbers set to 0.0 because the file names do not have version numbers.
The Deadly Woods: The Battle of the Bulge
The Desert Fox: Rommel’s Campaign for North Africa April 1941-December 1942
The Devil’s Cauldron
Module version 6.4.5 missing - but the old 6.4.6, which was in duplicate, is called 6.4.5.
The corresponding zip-files have not got the correct version numbers, even though the modules are OK using the same naming scheme.
The Devil’s To Pay
Version 3.0a is called 0.0.0 as are all the corresponding pdf-files.
The Devil’s To Pay! The First Day at Gettysburg
The Doomsday Project: Episode 1 – The Battle for Germany
The Doomsday Project: Episode 2 – The Battle for the Balkans
The Downfall of Pompeii
Inconsistent file naming has caused the older version to be at top.
The Draugr
The Drive on Metz, 1944
The link to Victory Point Games in the Readme section is broken. Some table formatting of the Readme section has been lost.
The Drive on Metz, 1944 (Second Edition)
The Dungeon of D
The East is Red: The Sino Soviet War
The Emperor Returns
The End of the Triumvirate
The Everlasting Glory: Chinese War of Resistance 1937-1945
The Fall of France
The Fall of Rome
Latest version at bottom.
The Fall of Tobruk: Rommel’s Greatest Victory
No packages: The module has been lost.
The Fast Carriers: Air-Sea Operations, 1941-77
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Fighting General Patton
The old entry had descriptions of the different modules in the “Filetype” column. These have been lost in the new entry.
The Fires of Midway
The First World War
The Flight of the Goeben
The Fog of War
Latest version at the bottom
The Franco-Prussian War
The Franco-Prussian War: August 1 to September 2, 1870
This entry is missing in the new index!
The Fulda Gap: The Battle for the Center
The Game of Shakespeare
The Grand Campaign
The Grand Trunk Journey
The Great Crisis of Frederick II
The Great Game
The Great Heathen Army
Latest version at the bottom, and because of inconsistent numbering, version 1.21 is listed as newer then 1.3
The Great Invasion: The Gettysburg Campaign June 24 – July 3, 1863
The Great War
Despite consistent naming, v2.0 is on top above v 1.0 and 3.21
The Great War in Europe: Deluxe Edition
V0.92 is correctly on top, but for some reason is numbered 0.0.0.
The Great War in the East: Four World War 1 Battles
The Greatest Day: Sword, Juno, and Gold Beaches
The Grunwald Swords
The Guns of August
Latest version at the bottom
The Guns of Gettysburg
The oldest version is in the middle.
The Halls of Montezuma
The Hell of Stalingrad
The Hellgame
The High Crusade
The Hunted: Twilight of the U-Boats, 1943-45
The Hunters: German U-Boats at War, 1939-43
Version sorting wrong, and the latest v3.0 is called v0.0.0
The Invasion of Russia (1812)
V1.2a is placed at the bottom, away from v1.2
The Invincible Armada 1588 AD
The Jaws of Victory: Battle of Korsun-Cherkassy Pocket – January/February 1944
The latest version at the bottom
The Kaiser’s Pirates
Version ordering
The Killing Ground
V2.0a is named 0.0.0 but should be put together with 2.0
The Korean War
V1.0 and v2.0a both called 0.0.0. It is no longer obvious that the five save games belong to v1.0
The Korean War: June 1950 - May 1951
The Lamps Are Going Out
The Last Hundred Yards
V3.1 and 2.12 belong together.
The Last Hundred Yards Mission Pack 1
Does not exist in new index, but the old entry notes that it has been combined into “The Last Hundred Yards”.
The Last Hundred Yards Volume 2: Airborne Over Europe
Does not exist in new index, but the old entry notes that it has been combined into “The Last Hundred Yards”.
The Last Hundred Yards Volume 3: The Solomon Islands
The Last Hundred Yards: Volume 4 – The Russian Front
Does not exist in new index, but the old entry notes that it has been combined into “The Last Hundred Yards”.
The Last Success: Napoleon’s March to Vienna, 1809
No module, but old entry notes that the module is hosted at Limey Yank Games.
The Last Victory
The Late Unpleasantness: Two Campaigns to take Richmond
V3 is numbered v1 because of the unconventional naming scheme.
The Legend Begins
The Legend of Robin Hood
The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Epic Duels
The link to a Yahoo Group at the end is broken, but also did not work in the old entry.
The Little Land: The Battle for Novorossiysk
The Little Prince: Make Me a Planet
The Long Road
The Longest Day
Lots of modules with different naming standards, and predictably, they are not sequenced correctly, and some are given 0.0.0 version numbers. Module v0.8b079-200606-0950.vmod is missing.
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
Latest version not at top.
The Lords of Underearth
The Marne: Home Before the Leaves Fall
The Measure of the Earth
The Mighty Endeavor
Inconsistent numbering has led to wrong order. V3.2.8.1 is at the top as v.0.0.0. V1.5 is the latest.
The Moscow Campaign: Strike and Counterstrike Russia
The Napoleonic Wars
The Napoleonic Wars (Second Edition)
This entry is missing in the new index.
The New Era
The Next War
The Next War: Modern Conflict in Europe
This appears to be the same module as “The Next War”, but “The Next War” has more module entries, and goes to v2.5. This one is later, but only goes to v2.0 which has the same size as the v2.0 entry in “The Next War”.
The Official Dealer McDope Dealing Game
The Oregon Trail Card Game
The Other Side
Consists of a number of “The Other Side” modules which are converted correctly, but there are three “Beyond the Other Side” modules which are not grouped together, and are all labelled v0.0.0.
The Peiper Dream
Not converted because the artist has prohibited that Vassal hosts or links to the module
The Peloponnesian War, 431-404 BC
Modules not grouped and in wrong order
The Picrocholine Wars
The Plot to Assassinate Hitler
The Plum Island Horror
The Polls are Closed!
The Punic Wars: Rome vs Carthage, 264-146 B.C.
The Pursuit of von Spee
The Razor’s Edge
The Red Dragon Inn
The Republic of Rome
At least two modules should be grouped together. The third “rs2.043” is probably the latest, but thee relation is unclear.
The Resistance
The Return of the Stainless Steel Rat
The Rise of the Roman Republic: The Ancient World, Vol. 1
V1.0 is numbered 0.0.0
The Road to Cheren
The Royal Navy
The Rum Run
The Russian Campaign
Problems with groupíng and sequencing. V3.24b05 is presumably later than v3.23 but is listed as older. TRC4v13b05.vmod seems to have been lost, although it is probably not a big loss when TRC4v13b06.vmod is present.
The Sands of War
The Scheldt Campaign
The Second World War
The link to the copyright holder Pangenre leads to a holding page.
The Seven Days of 1809
The Shores of Tripoli
Accurate conversion, but the original entry was wrong: the package title for all versions is given as “3.4.x”, but the versions actually are “3.x” (latest is 3.5)
The Siege of Alesia
Wrong conversion: v1.0.2 is called 1.2.0, and v2.0 is called 1.93.0 (How did that happen?)
The Siege of Barad-Dur 3430
Why has playing time “10 minutes” been changed to “At least 10 minutes”?
The Siege of Jerusalem
More strange version number convertions: 1.0.2 became 1.2.0, 1.0.3 became 1.33.0.
The Siege of Orgun
The Soo Line
The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939
The latest version 1.3 is below 1.22
The Speed of Heat
V0.98 is not arranged under 1.0.
The Stock Market Game
The Struggle of Nations
Title image is lost. The first screen shot is missing.
The Succession Wars
Amazingly, The screen shot of module I in the old entry was blank, but is fine in the new entry.
The Sun of Austerlitz
The Supreme Commander
The Sword and the Stars
The Third Winter: The Battle for the Ukraine September 1943-April 1944
The Third World War
V1.65 is labelled v8.0.0 and is listed as newer than v3.0. V1.64 is in a zip, so it is not listed under modules.
The Third World War: Designer Signature Edition
The Three Days of Gettysburg (third edition)
V1.02 is listed as 1.2.0. V1.28a, 1.28b, and 1.28c are not grouped with the other modules, and they are listed as v0.0.0
The Tide at Sunrise: The Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905
The Twelve Doctors: Doctor Who Card Game
The screen shot in the old entry is blank, and it is missing in the new entry.
The U.S. Civil War
The War At Sea (first edition)
The War for the Union
The War of Jenkins’ Ear
Module is missing from both old and new entries.
The War: The Pacific 1941-45
The Warlord Game
The Warriors of Batak
The Way of the Warrior (Second Edition)
Module missing from old and new entries.
The Wilderness Campaign: Lee vs. Grant, 1864
Missing from new index.
The Wolves
The World at War: Europe
The Wreck of the B.S.M. Pandora
Their Finest Hour
Theseus: The Dark Orbit
Huge title image - in old and new index.

Going forward, please do not list pages which have no issues. It’s easier to go through the lists when all the items require attention.

I don’t understand what you’re referring to here. The modules appear to be in descending order to me.

Dates are taken from the file metadata; the dates in the module table are frequently incorrect.

That’s ok. We’re not trying to correct what’s on the old pages.

I don’t understand what you’re referring to here. The modules appear to be in descending order to me.

I don’t understand it either: you are quite right. This module entry is flawless. Don’t know if I mixed it up with something else. Sorry about that.

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Perhaps you want to checkout this.

It is a Python script to download and parse .vmod, .vmdx, .vlog, and .vsav file information, including version numbers. A user supplied JSON file can override version numbers where they are not automatically parsed. See also the and top doc-string

Out of some 2500 files, of which roughly 1500 are parsed, I only need to override 50 version numbers. There’s a total of 21280 files so I only did roughly 10% so an estimate is that another 700 version numbers may need to be overriden.

It takes quite a long time to download all the data (average size is ~24MB), but if you have the files in the current directory, then the information will be read from local file.


I’m going to check the "F"s.

BTW is someone looking at the remaining "B"s, following “Barbarossa: Army Group North, 1941”?

I’d just like to add, I support the general comments by Korval, above, in particular the association between modules and files is sometimes important and should be maintained and I would like to be able to see lists of modules by the same developer.

Would you give me an example of a module for which this gets the correct version that the current converter does not?

For example DDaySmithsonian44.vmod which is currently identified as version 44, while the correct version is 1.0.1. Same for DDaySmithsonian43.vmod. Out of more than 3000 processed modules, logs, saves, and extensions, only 100 of them could not be “versioned” - that is, roughly 3% need a manual override. With some 15k modules, logs, saves, and extensions, that translates to roughly 400 manual overrides - quite manegable.

What you also get from the above are the file sizes of the various modules, logs, saves, and extensions, as well as VASSAL version, short descriptions, etc. For extensions, you also get mother module version etc… Files that are not truly modules, logs, saves, or extensions, you will get them flagged too. Finally, since the whole thing is stored in a JSON file, it is quite easy to do manual corrections where needed.


I think there’s a bit of confusion about “packages”, “projects”, etc. Perhaps @uckelman can elaborate.

Here’s how I understand it (according to a previous discussion).

The hierarchy is as follows

  • Game or Module - exactly how this is to be partioned is a bit unclear at the moment. I could be by BGG game (e.g., family of games The Russian Campaign would be three different “Games” - 1st to 3rd edition, 4th edition, and 5th edition
    • Project Each Game can have multiple projects owned by a maintainer (or group of maintainers?) and with a set of contributors. For example, The Russian Campaign (3rd edition) will have two projects - one maintained by brianconlon and another by wga.
      • Package Each Project can have multiple packages. Packages could be partioned by variations - e.g., one with a colourful counter set, another with a “classic” counter set. This is up to the project owner(s).
        • Files Each project has a single versioned file (typically a .vmod), though some projects may have multiple files (saves, logs, etc.)

Currently, the README, screenshots, and players are attached to a Game (well, technically the sole Project of a Game). Ideally, I think, each Project (if not each Package) should have its own README and possibly screenshots. Perhaps, each project should have the option to contain multiple files - for example the .vmod and associated .vlog and .vsav files, or even user guides. It seems to me that logs and saves, not to mention extensions from different projects (if not packages) mix poorly.

Anyways, that’s how I understand things - someone please correct me if I’m wrong. Thanks.


Results from modules beginning with “F”:-

FAB: Sicily

  • module wrong version number

Fair Catch

  • old lib: no module uploaded, new lib: no Packages

Fall Blau: Army Group South, June-December 1942

  • modules “FallBlau_1.33a.vmod” & “FallBlau_1.51GC.vmod” in separate Packages & missing version numbers

The Fall of France

  • module missing version number

Fall Of The Third Reich

  • missing - (Other modules by Alecrespi) link

The Fall of Tobruk: Rommel’s Greatest Victory

  • module missing

Falling Sky: The Gallic Revolt Against Caesar

  • module “FallingSky v2.01.vmod” missing
  • Readme: developer names & email links in () after version numbers are missing

Fatal Alliances III Dreadnoughts in Flames

  • module version number wrong

Federation & Empire

  • red box text (& link to externally held module) missing


  • Filetype text (indicating where the module is) missing

The Fellowship of the Ring

  • Players: “davidk64” missing


  • module “Feudal11.vmod” wrong version number

Field Commander: Alexander & Field Commander: Rommel

  • no modules in old lib, no entries in new lib

Fields of Fire

  • module version number missing

Fifth Corps

  • link “Fifth Corps is included as part of this base module” is broken & now in Readme

Fifth Frontier War

  • Players: “davidk64” missing

Fighter Duel Lite

  • module “FD_Lite2.vmod” missing
  • module “FD_Lite.vmod” wrong version number

Fighters of the Pacific

  • old lib: no module uploaded, new lib: no Packages

Fighting Formations: Grossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division

  • module “FightingFormations(GD)final_v1.09.vmod‎” should (probably) have version number 1.0.9 not 1.9.0

The Fighting General Patton

  • modules “FGP-BI_100.vmod”, “FGP-RoA_100.vmod” & “FGP-RtS_100.vmod” missing

Fighting Sail

  • module “Fighting Sail_0.7R.vmod” missing version number
  • link between extension “FS_Extras_0.4.vmdx” (plus other files) & host module lost

Fighting Wings

  • red box text (& link to externally held module) missing

Fire As She Bears!: Rules for Naval Combat in the Age of Flghting Sail (Second Edition)

  • red box text missing

Fire in the East

  • module “Fire in the East v0.7.vmod” wrong version number

Fire In The Lake

  • module “Fire-in-the-Lake-4a.vmod” missing version number
  • modules “FITL VASSAL 1.31.vmod” & “FITL VASSAL 1.32.vmod” should (probably) be versioned as 1.3.1 & 1.3.2

Fire In The Sky

  • module “fitsb11.vmod” wrong version number

Fireball Forward!

  • old lib: no modules uploaded, new lib: no Packages


  • module “FP_CA171.vmod” version number wrong

First Team: Vietnam

  • module missing version number

Fitna: The Global War in the Middle East

  • missing - (Other modules by Alecrespi) link

Flat Top

  • modules “FlattopDB.vmod”, “FlatTop2wim.vmod” & “FlatTop_v3.5.vmod” missing
  • module “FlatTop_v3.6.vmod” wrong version number
  • module “FLTv30b01.vmod” missing version number

Flight Leader

  • module “FlightLeader.vmod” missing version number
  • linkage between some files and associated modules lost
  • Players: “davidk64” missing

Flying Colors

  • linkage between some extensions and associated modules lost


  • module missing version number

Food Fight

  • missing - (Other modules by brian448) link

For the People

  • module “for_the_people_2006_1_0.vmod” wrong version number

Forgotten Legions

  • module “FL_Keren v1.vmod” missing

Formula De

  • too many Packages
  • linkage between some extensions and associated modules lost

Fortress Europa

  • module “Fortress_Europa_v11.vmod” missing
  • module “Fortress_Europa_v111.vmod” wrong version number

Four Battles in North Africa

  • module “North Africa_Supercharge v1.vmod” missing

France 1940

  • too many Packages
  • module “F40v10b09.vmod” missing version number

Free At Last/Free at Last/Free at Last Draft Rules Version 2022

  • these 3 entries seem to be for the same game

Freedom in The Galaxy

  • module “FitG-v2_05-Solitaire.vmod” missing version number

Friedland 1807

  • module “Friedland_JDG_1.4.vmod” wrong version number


  • no modules here, only extensions for the Gloomhaven module
  • extensions have lost compatibility values

Fuentes de Onoro 1811

  • module “Fuentes_JDG_1.4.vmod” wrong version number

Full Metal Planete

  • Players: “davidk64” missing

Fury in the East

  • module “FuryInTheEast v1.2.vmod” dates (old lib) and age (new lib) don’t tally


  • module missing version number

The different editions of The Russian Campaign could be in one project or several, depending on what the owners of the project want. It’s not my aim to change how these are organized at present, only to give the project owners the ability to do that later if they wish.

Correct, eventually, if that’s what the project owners want.


This seems garbled. I’m not sure what it refers to.