How to send a Global Key Command to a specific Deck (not the pieces in it)

I see decks have the capability to include hotkeys to do things like send the contents of the deck to a different deck, or shuffle the contents. I’m trying to understand how to send a Global Key Command to trigger these functions.

Is it as simple as this?

Or is there more to it? I’ve assumed the above would send to the pieces within the deck. Not sure how to send to the Deck itself.

Specifically: I need to take the contents of one deck (Discard Pile), shuffle them, and then place them UNDER the existing cards in the draw deck. I believe I should be able to do this by sending a command to shuffle the discards, then send a command to move the existing cards from the Draw Deck into a holding deck. Then if I put the shuffled discards in the draw deck, and finally move the remaining ‘draw deck’ cards from the holding deck back onto the draw deck, I believe this should achieve my goal.

However, I’m not sure if card order is maintained when you use a “deck send” hotkey

I think you’re confusing hotkeys with key commands - easily done!

If you are working at module or map level, look at the Action Button component.

If working from a Piece definition, look at the Global Hotkey trait.

These features allow you to send a Hotkey, which in this case should be which ever deck hotkey(s) you want to trigger.

Whipped up a test module very quickly before I gave an answer. Assume all decks are set to “Reshuffle: Never” so they’ll have a fixed order to them. If you have an origin deck with 5 cards in it, arranged with the highest value card on top and lowest on the bottom (5,4,3,2,1) and apply a send to another deck command to it, the cards will be in reverse order when they land in the destination deck–lowest value card on top (1,2,3,4,5). Last in, first out method applied to the origin deck.

As noted above, GKCs are for applying to pieces, and Global Hotkeys are for applying to components (toolbar buttons, decks, other non-piece things). You can do what you intend with GKCs, but not by attempting to have them invoke deck commands–rather, the cards (i.e. pieces) in your decks would need to be configured to act upon the received GKCs with various traits–Return to Deck, Send to Location, Triggers, whatever you need to have the pieces move themselves around to the right places.

From the link you sent:

This doesn’t imply that they are being sent to the decks at all. It says it’s sending to module and map toolbar components. What am I missing? Do the decks respond to the hotkey no matter what window/piece is active?

[q]Whipped up a test module very quickly before I gave an answer. Assume all decks are set to “Reshuffle: Never” so they’ll have a fixed order to them. If you have an origin deck with 5 cards in it, arranged with the highest value card on top and lowest on the bottom (5,4,3,2,1) and apply a send to another deck command to it, the cards will be in reverse order when they land in the destination deck–lowest value card on top (1,2,3,4,5). Last in, first out method applied to the origin deck.[/q]

This sounds like it could work.

From the other link (the Global Hotkey documentation)–adding bold for emphasis:

This trait adds an action that invokes a Hotkey, usually a Keystroke or Named Command for a Toolbar button in the Module window or a Map Window, but it also works for other Hotkeys. For example, you can use it to shuffle a deck via a deck’s “shuffle” Hotkey.

Sure, but action buttons don’t seem to be able to do this. As far as I can tell the only way to trigger a global hotkey is from a piece. So you need to create an invisible piece (or use an existing piece) and use an action button to trigger that Global Hotkey function on the piece, correct?

How about if you describe your envisioned workflow–what do you want the player initializing your process to be doing, clicking a button in a toolbar, right-clicking a piece on the map, other?

I’m positive that toolbar action buttons can send hotkeys to decks–I just tested it.