Incompatible Code - GMT 1914 series

Problem in that GMT games 1914 Twilight in the East; Offence a Outrance and Serbien Muss Sterben will not load at all with current version of Vassal. There is custom code (probably George Hayward’s excellent FOW system - as yet not replicated in any other vassal modules or standard code) which seems to be preventing the modules from opening.

Furthermore, trying to load previous versions, e.g. 3.1.16, fails due to time out.

These are some of the best wargames published and currently appear to be unplayable for the majority of gamers. How can I contact the module publishers or technical support to get these problems fixed?

The maintainer of each of these modules is listed on the respective module pages. Have you tried contacting them about the problem?

Can you be more specific here? Previous versions of what? What fails with a time out?

These modules are playable with older versions of VASSAL that don’t have the checks for and prevention of obsolete custom code–for example, get the build for 3.2.17 (the last of the 3.2.x series) from the release archive.

Contacting the module maintainer is done via the module’s wiki page. Ensure you are logged in and email addresses are exposed. I don’t think that’s going to be much help in this case, as he’s admitted elsewhere multiple times that he doesn’t know enough about the custom programming to adapt it to work in current VASSAL.

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Note that VASSAL 3.2.17 (or earlier) also requires a system install of Java version 8, AKA 1.8 (or earlier; I think versions 5 through 8 should work). VASSAL 3.3 and later all come with a newer version of Java included, but
these newer versions a) aren’t installed system-wide (they only work with the VASSAL installation they come with), and b) won’t work with VASSAL versions before 3.3, anyway.

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