hello, I use global properties to move some tokens. At the moment, I have a control like this : {GetProperty(ZoneName+PieceName.substring(0,1)) < GetProperty(ZoneName+PieceName.substring(0,1)+“max”)
so I verify if the GP A1, for example, is less than Amax
Is there a possibility to use the maximum value of the GP A1 instead of creating a property Amax ?
Doe Math.max() help you?
If not, perhaps you could explain more. For example, how is Amax being calculated ?
Sorry, I’m not english speaker, so maybe what I say is not understandable.
I have 2 GP, one “A” with two valor, min 0 max 2
the other “Amax” with the same valor, min 2 and max 2
I compare if A is < Amax, is it possible to compare A with the max value of A ? does A.max() is ok ?
I can try this and come back to You if it’s good
If I understand you right, then you are wondering it you can access the max value of A that is configured in the editor in Global Properties.
Sorry, no you cannot do that.
The method that you seem to be using - having another Global Property, set to a constant (Amax), is what I would have suggested.
OK, many thanks, maybe in Version x