is there a Mass Piece Loader How To??

I’m trying to get my head around the mass piece loader and how it works.

I have zero Java programming skill, but have built a few primitive but functional modules.

Am attempting to create a new module for playtesting and am trying to avoid the click fest of adding each counter individually.

So, I currently have unit prototypes in, and am wishing to add multiple, 2-sided counters (thus a layer) organized in multiple formations.

Has anyone created a how to guide for this, or can anyone give me a rundown (screenshots would be helpful) on how to do this.

thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

The mass piece loader is better if you have a single prototype to add to many pieces. I couldn’t figure a way to add multiples myself. I ended up having to do most of it by hand. Wish i could be of more help!